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I finally got up the courage to put in my two weeks. Friday was supposed to be my last day. I had just finished up my last stop (I'm a route driver, worked there for the last 5 years) and was on my way back to my company to turn in my stuff and say goodbye. While driving I was running through my mind all of the marketing ideas my wife and I were going to employ. Then my boss calls to inform me that in about a month I would be fully vested in the pension plan - if I leave before then I get nothing. I overlooked this with everything else going on. Needless to say I'll be dragging myself to work for another month. My head hurts!!!!!!!!!!

Needs motivation,


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Wow, did you review your 401K/ Employee stock options and all of the details? Is this just a ploy by the boss man to keep a good guy? You were real close to leaving because you believe in yourself and obviously you have the real boss's (Wife) approval...sounds to me like a good time to DEMAND a sweet raise if you stay on at the 9-5. I wish you success and intestinal fortitude. I really can't give you advice but I know that if I were that committed to running my own business full time and had already given notice, I wouldn't be on the 9-5's payroll come Monday. I would be in the boss's office Monday morning telling him that he cannot afford to not to give me the fleet wash contract and that the building needs a good wash.

Stick to your guns my friend....you will be a success!!!

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I did know I was going to lose some of my 401K but the pension is totally different. Staying another month could be the difference between me getting a $150/mo check (or so) when I'm 65 or nothing. He apologized for the late notice and said that I could work very short weeks and cut off the last 2 weeks with my unused vacation (good guy). I guess I'm going to have to suck it up, free money is free money whether I'm 27 or 65.......staying is torture!!!!!!!!

They have a inhouse (2-step drive-thru) truck wash so no chance for that contract.

thanks for the encouragement dustin

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Lets see.. if you invest the 4000 extra dollars you would make in the next thirty days and get daily compounding on a 4% APR (not even counting a yield) you would return about $20,000 when you retire. That $150 per month will take you until age 76 to recoup at which time that same investment will have grown to $40,000. You can never make up the difference. If I was sure I could line up the work I would tell him thank you and goodbye.

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Excellent point as always but the work is not there yet jobs are coming in 1 or 2 at a time I have to leave to grow it. 55 to 60 unpredicatable hours on the road leaves no time for running or growing a business.are you tired of hearing me wine yet because i know i am

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I understand, the beginning days are a bit slow. A month is nothing. It sucks that it has to be during peak season (July and August slow down for some guys) but you can use this time to whine, complain, read, research, think about marketing and get all your ducks lined up. When you hit the ground in July it will be with both feet running. Good luck, Dustin. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

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ok since you offered I'll buy you a plane ticket to south carolina. once you get here you can take my rig and go to to town! after a month just hand me the keys and I'll fly you home. deal?.................lol thanks ken

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Dustin get advertising NOW, you'll need the work as soon as you start fulltime, quite often work can slow in August , just how it is around here for residential, warm weather & vacations sending kids back to school people spending $$$ on other things than PWing.

Do the 2 weeks at old job and get out there and sell sell sell.

We all wish you good luck its a great fun biz to be in


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I did $24k in May. You better start advertising LOL.

Crap Ken beat me out by around $2k for May:) April was actually better then May for me which is rare...June may be even better then both..unless the body breaks down.......................

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