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One Tough Pressure

Broken Rod/Cracked Case

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Here are some pictures fro reference. If you hear a banging metal sound coming from your pump, and see a cracked case, then when you open it you are bound to find what I did.

General has a five year pump warranty and they replaced this one after 4 years of faithful service.

I finished the job I was on with lower pressure and flow than normal, but after the rod fell to the bottom, it did fine to finish up.




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Isn't this your second pump you have had? Kind of curious. I wonder what you are doing different? I haven't ever had a pump do that, yet.


That was my first pump, and I never got around to posting pics. My second pump an AR is doing just fine as of now.

Since General replaced it, I would think it was not my fault, just something that happened.

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I have had this happen one time in 7 years of running General Pumps, but it was my fault. I over tightened the sight glass on the back of the pump and it fell out while we were doing some fleet washing. When most of the oil ran out it threw the rod too. Rookie mistake, I did this in my first year (7 years ago).

I sell all brands of pw pumps, but General is my favorite. They are affordable to rebuild and parts are easy to find and I have always gotten good service out of them. They are also (imo) the easiest to rebuild or repair.

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