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Roger Oakley

Todays nightmare


Here are a couple of before and washed photos from this mornings job.

Why oh why do owners let their drives get this bad. I'll be back there in a couple of days to re-sand and try to sort out the drian problem, this is what we call over here a a soak-away, does not connect to the mains, so drains to earth, THREE times I cleared this one out but it is so bunged up, it just keeps backing up, and takes ages to drain away. And the owner did not want the garage doors washed either!!!

As I was finishing the owners of next door house wanted a quote, which I did and hopefully they will go with the price, have work done, so that I can at least re-sand both in one go and not mess up todays job, and have to deal with that drain again!!!!.

I'll post the finished result when I get this one finished.



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Thank you very much for the replies


You are right on the colours, that patten is called Brindle over here.


You are right, don't think it has ever been cleaned either, paving is about 7+ years old.


No it's not Buckingham Palace, still trying to get that one, but the Queen is not returning my calls to discuss prices for some reason? :winkanim:

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