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Beth n Rod

Tom's Pump Class

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I just wanted to take a moment to recap on Tom's class for pump repair and other machine maintenance topics. We spent the day in depth on pump specifics and actually had pumps in some need of repairs due to problems they incurred from use. He talked about different parts and tools to have on hand to help with diagnosis and repairs in the field. It was very informative along with his many years of being a contractor, he has been there and back and knows a great many pitfalls that can happen to a contractor in the field. His experience has taught him some very important lessons and he passes them on to his attendees for their benefit.

Tom talked about diagnosing problems and trouble shooting in order to determine what is wrong with a particular piece of equipment (pumps, unloaders, switches, burners, etc). This, in my experience has proved to be valuable information as I became another of his customers having to trouble shoot a burner problem in the field this week just after attending his class.

Let me tell you that when you have come to depend on a certain aspect of your cleaning arsenal and it is not available, you begin to appreciate it even more. I started out cleaning with cold water for the first couple of years but once I started using hot water I never looked back. Now that I have a burner not functioning properly I miss it because the work has slowed down as a result. It takes almost twice as long and requires more chemicals to do the work without hot water.

I did my best to trouble shoot the problem but it turns out it is a dirty fuel filter because the unit is only emitting smoke and I have to force the unit by turning the burner on and off to get that much. I arrived at this determination with Tom's input and the part is on order and I will probably buy an extra one to have on hand in the future as Tom has shown me is a good practice. He always encourages me to buy a spare in the event something goes wrong in the field...and as murphy's law goes ... it does.

For those who did not get a chance to attend or could not because the class was full, I encourage you to take the next class Tom gives on this subject. You will have gotten your money's worth.

Tom and Barbara, Thank you for making this event possible. It was worth it. ;)


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Everyone should take the time to attend one of these classes, many of the vendors are offering them including us this summer. Like Rod said you will always get your moneys worth(unless they are charging a crazy price). Tom I salute you and your efforts to spread the knowledge.

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I'll second what Rod was saying about Toms class since Rod and myself were in the same class. Tom sure knows his pumps and just about every aspect of this business since he was a contractor first. I would recommend that everyone in this business take an equipment maintenance class thru Tom, Paul or anyone else you hear is good at teaching this type class. A must to have some knowledge of your equipment while out in the field.

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