I gave downstreaming another try today and love it. I'm not carrying a 5'er any more! I applied my chems with a 0040 tip and got the same distance as my xjet! I have a question for the seasoned vets out there. When downstreaming, how do you rinse up high? Today I just pulled the hose out of my chem tank. Is there a more efficient way to do this without walking back to the rig? I was thinking some kind of remote control valve. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I gave downstreaming another try today and love it. I'm not carrying a 5'er any more! I applied my chems with a 0040 tip and got the same distance as my xjet! I have a question for the seasoned vets out there. When downstreaming, how do you rinse up high? Today I just pulled the hose out of my chem tank. Is there a more efficient way to do this without walking back to the rig? I was thinking some kind of remote control valve. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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