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Paul B.

Great News of the Day!


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alive is good new's?

That $750,000 wont begin to cover the cost's of him being alive.

Now you have all the problem's with a FAIR trial.

The government told us he had a bunch of weapon's of mass destruction. Now they tell us he is the REAL sadam.

We have all seen the imposter's.

I love the USA.

I believe in god.

I believe in free speech.

I dont believe everything i see on the new's.

I am glad he's caught. If it's him.

I wish they just found his MAR"S BAR"S eating face with a buillet from his own gun in it.

Some she ite with a fricken bomb is going to try and get him released. It wont be the first time. Remember the olympic's?

Some people still think we had a man walk on the moon.

Now that's funny.

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Does the fact that we haven't found WMDs mean the government lied? Saddam himself admitted to having them. There is evidence that leads one to believe some weapons have been moved to neighboring countries. Maybe, maybe not. I believe our administration had sufficient reason to believe they were there. If they never were, great, one less t hing to worry about.

If the government were going to stage the finding of Saddam, they wouldn't have waited 9 months to do it. Not only that, Saddam has made several video appearances since we invaded...If we made this up, and produced an imposter, that makes us look pretty stupid if/when the real saddam shows up. If we were going to produce imposters, why haven't we produced an impostor for OBL?? In the minds of many, he's a more important target than Saddam.

I'd much rather see him found guilty and executed by the Iraqi people than killed by a US serviceman. That's the outcome I expect to see before it is over.

If some Shi'ite with has a bomb he can use to try to get Saddam released (though I doubt that scenario will ever happen), he'd use it regardless of whether Saddam is in custody or not.

Please don't tell me you're one of those folks who think the lunar landing was staged.....??? If so, I can direct you to a website intelligently and scientifically debunking all of the "conspiracy" nutjob theories about a staged landing. Interested?

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10:1 Ron is a Democrat and also believes:

- Elvis is still alive,

- A second gunman was in the grassy knoll.

By the way Ron:

We had more than 1 man walk on the moon.

On a clear night, you can see the American flag and the lunar land vehicle on the moon.

...And stop sniffing HF - It's BAD for your brain!

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I think elvis had enuff money that he now live's on the moon.

They keep selling his record's so he can still stay their.

Dont they sell towel head candy bar's?

I also need a pic taken from earth ,of a pic of the american flag on the moon. An amature one.

$750,000 and live's in a hole in the ground.

Now that's what you get for for trying to put out a hit on the president's dad.

Funny he was eating american food and had american money.

You guy's can take a joke, cant you.

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I would be greatly troubled if you were serious. ;)

He didn't want to carry money with his pictures on it as it would make it too easy to identify him. It would be like carrying a wanted poster.

I bet he had Fruit of The Loom T-shirts and a cap with Nike logo!

It just tells you how well some companies marketing strategy works.

I took a photo of the moon with a 300mm lens the other night -lets see if we can see the flag.

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For what it is worth Bin Laden is not being hunted down, our government does not consider him a threat.

I kid you not, read it in the paper yesterday and was shocked, I too feel he more then Sadam is the real mastermind behind things and it is him and his friends that are hiding any WMD.

Sadam will not be shot, he will be found not guilty and released on his own recon.

Really now, would we stage things? YES we would, we are no different then any other country except you just don't read about it in the "free" papers.

All news is controled, you read what they want you to read, you see on TV what they want you to see.

Oh one more thing, don't ever think for one minute we do not have WMD.

Now to go read yesterdays phony news this morning with my wake up coffee!

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Paul do you really want to go there?

I do believe there is life on other planets, why because if we are here and knowing how we evolved over the centeries why is it not possible that there is also life elsewhere?

I am not saying all of it is as advances as we are, some is far ahead of us, some behind and some equal.

There are those that believe and those that don't.

I do believe.

Oh sorry we spoiled your Christmas, I am sure Santa will find your home! You have been a good boy this year I hope?

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I have no doubt that this nation has it's share of government conspiracies and cover-ups...I just don't believe the lunar landing is one of them...though there are folks out there who dispute that, despite irrefutable proof to the contrary.

Of course we have WMDs...what do you think the whole cold war thing was all about?

Do you really believe that the press is controlled? There's just no way. Yes, I'm sure in some very isolated cases the government has shut down something someone was going to report for reasons of national security, but for the most part, the press reports what it wants. Terribly skewed to the left, of course, but free nonetheless. Do you think that every newspaper, every TV station, every cable news service, reports only what they're told to report? That every one of those folks does what they're told and never complains? I just can't see it. We're not a dictatorship or an oppressed country to the point where someone has to fear for their lives if they oppose the government. People do it all the time.

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Listen, i was cracking wise about the towel head and elvis but i really dont think we had a man walk on the moon.

We were in a space race with russia and they were winning.

Month's before we landed on the moon we had way too meny problem's with the whole NASA program to go that far that fast.

Please post the web site that differ's with my opinion.

I have never ever herd of anyone on earth being able to see any real sign of us landing on the moon with a telescope. I would love to see that.

If it's that easy why are we not landing their again and takeing core sample's. I want to know what kind of cheese it's made of?

Do you think their is a BIBLE CODE that unlock's mysteries?

Do you really think that guy on TV talk's to dead people?

Do you think NOSTERDOMUS was/is a fake or is he really a profit?

By the way SANTA is a SPIRT.


So yes he's real.

Without hope you have nothing.

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:eek: The media is left? :eek: I don't see it..... But I do see how the absolutley brilliant psychology behind corporate media throughout the decades has socially conditioned the human mind, and now after such immense conditioning people can actually think the news is true, and honest. Albeit so I disagree with most people on a political level, I am glad to an American, as this ability to express ourselves freely, is truly what this country is about.........Grassroots baby..Grasroots all the way :)

Vote Robert Anton Wilson in 2004!!



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Never would I allow the MEDIA to force me to believe what it prints or shows on TV, part of it might be true but all of it, sorry to say but NO not all of it.

HYPE is what makes sells, take Michael Jackson, we all know he pays off parents and forces them to sign legal papers to never talk about what he did to their kids.

He will continue to be a free molester and strike over and over.

If not why is he walking around on bail and not locked up like all others till trial? There won't be one and we all know it besides I think I saw him drop a white envelope as he walked away from the Judge. $$$$$$$$$$$$$

Faked moon landing? could be, there are enough places in the USA to do just that but I will not go so far to say it was faked or not.

One example of how the papers are controled, name one that says owning guns is ok, they all push CONTROL/REGISTER/CONFISCATE/DESTORY.

I don't like to get into politics much as it makes friends become enemies.

We all have our own beliefs in things and I could list a few here that would end up so political we would forget this is a Pressure Washing Board.

Santa Lives!

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OK faked moon landing theorists:

- Since we were in such a tight race with Russia, wouldn't you think that the Russians would be the first to expose the fact that we didn't land on the moon? - Not once, but six times (Apollo 11 thru 17 - Apollo 13 was close, but no cigars).

Check out this site for arguments:


This should explain why we stopped going to the moon:


If you're interested, here is an explaination to why no cameras or telescopes can see the flag or other man made objects we left behind on the moon: http://www.redzero.demon.co.uk/moonhoax/Hubble.htm

but the lazer is interesting



Santa is bringing coal this year (same as last year). I've been real bad this year, just hope he brings enough to keep the coal furnace going - I hear it's going to be a long cold winter.

Of all the aliens that travel to our planet (millions of light years) you would figure that with their technology, they would be able to land in neutral Switzerland where their existance will not be covered up. (Heck, everyone wants to open a Swiss bank account.) Hard to believe that every government in this world would be in on this conspiracy. And ...if I was an alien, I would be really ticked off if I couldn't meet with any leaders of this planet. If nothing else, you would think they would want to find out what all this "Hooters" fuss was all about.


There are several Bible codes:

- Reading the Bible, believing and having faith (the more you read it, the more becomes uncovered - but it does say that there is more to come and a lot of scientists theories will be disproven).

- Another Bible code is death - it will unlock all kinds of mysteries - for some, the news will be better than for others.

..and the moon is made of American cheese! ...prove me wrong!

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if ANYONE was going to get their first, it would be as you see it in ALEN'S pic.

Only exception might be MICOSOFT.

"our burger's are out of this world"

No gravity. No need for muscel. All tender choice meat.

"for people that like to eat light"

"enjoy a rootbeer FLOAT"

"sun grilled"

Well someone show me a pic from earth to the moon showing me we really were their.

What would happen if someone really did prove we did'nt land on the moon?

What IF president CARTER did have sexual relation's with monica?

What if the CIA shot KENNEDY?

Would you tell anyone that a creature from outerspace probed you if you could'nt prove it?

What if they did'nt put more patato chip's in the bag and just added air to a larger bag and charged you more?[yes they do that].

Do you know when the ad is written "could save you up to 50%"

still mean's NOTHING. "COULD" mean's nothing.

P.T. Barnem had problem's with customer's staying in his tent of odditie's too long. They would just hang out to long to get new customer's inside. So the last door on the tent said

"SEE THE EGRESS" and people walked right thru the door. It lock from the inside. EGRESS MEAN'S EXIT. Their is a sucker born every min.

What if viagra was just a sugar pill? Would you still use it JON?

What i dont get is why they made it for men? If i were to invent a drug it would have been for the woman.

All you have to do is invent a pill that LISTEN'S and dose "honey do's"

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I wonder why it is easier for people to believe conspiracy theories than to believe the truth?

It's amazing that there are some people out there that do not believe Hitler and his SS did the things they did. They think it's a Jewish conspiracy.

How many people would it take to conspire to keep 6 faked moon walks from being exposed?

The equipment was also designed and assembled to perform. Would there not be at least 1 person that could say that some part of the equipment did not permit such travel or landing?

You would figure that at least one of the "Christian" astronouts would have a guilty conscience and would confess to the lies after all these years. Or maybe a greedy astronout - he could make millions.

Does the combined Iraqi debt of several hundred billion dollars convince anyone that France, Germany and Russia had an ulterior motive and conspired to keep America from attacking Iraq.


It's too far to the moon to be able to take photos or see any object of the size that was left on the moon by men.

We did leave a mirror on the moon that many have pointed a lazer at and have the reflections returned. Or is it an aliens mirror?

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I certainly have an aversion to politics myself, which is why, of course I tend to disagree. If everyone was just a good person, and moved through life from the heart, there would be no need for laws of any kind. Religion would shift to regimen, and everyone would be hugging one another :) Unfortunately, this is nothing but idealistic in post modern society..Truly though I suggest that every one read Robert Anton Wilsons book called Quantum Psychology....Think you know yourself do you?


Aaron ;)

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