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GPM love it


Up until about 20 months ago I used all 4 GPM machines for everything and then i got my 1st 5.6GPM hot machine and there's been no turning back. For those newbies that are just starting out I strongly suggest going with MORE GPM. If you cant afford a hot unit, get a cold 5.6GPM or more.

We are now doing condo complexes that used to take say 8 days we can now do them in 4 or 5 days at most. I now have 3, 5.6gpm machines 1 is hot water and I have a 8gpm hot, plus i have Bob from PT setting me up a new rig with cold 8gpm & a 5.6 gpm. Any cold machine you can later add a hot box, so if you are thinking can I afford a 4gpm or a 5.6 gpm go for the 5+gpm, it makes a world of difference

If you plan on doing flatwork 8gpm is a major difference, we can fly with 8gpm compared to the 5+gpm

I dont always track how many days projects take, but we are flying through condo project after condo project. If I was still using 4gpm, I'd be screwed and backed up and probably be losing jobs.

Even house washes take at least 40% less time with the more gpm

So if you are on the fence of should you or shouldnt you get more GPM machine, spend the extra money get at least a cold unit with more gpm, the money you spend you'll make back in no time with the amount of time saved on any job

I LOVE MORE GPM.........More GPM = More $$$$$$$$$$$

Got To love PWing

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5 answers to this question

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Amen to 8 gpm - especially hot! It sure is nice to be able to walk at a normal pace when using a surface cleaner - no matter how dirty the driveway. I now use a 28" Big Guy - cleans right to the edge with very little "cutting-in".

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Amen to 8 gpm - especially hot! It sure is nice to be able to walk at a normal pace when using a surface cleaner - no matter how dirty the driveway. I now use a 28" Big Guy - cleans right to the edge with very little "cutting-in".

I got 2 Big guys and will be buying another one, they are real good solid surface cleaners and run forever before you have to replace any parts. The difference between running a Big Guy with a 5.6gpm compared to the 8gpm is night and day

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Best advice I ever did ever hear ever.. !! :)

The only thing left to talk about on it is how adding gpm creates higher size requirements of accessories like hose, gun, persons arms...lol..j/k

No but really it is worth noting that with a cold version or dc burner setup you can get away with less engine size to run the larger pumps. Data formula sheets are available online to figure it...maybe on Hot Water Wizzard or Delco.

For instance I am about maxed out with an 18hp running an AC-Diesal burner on a 5gpm. It requires generator that takes a few of the hp from pump. If I was dc I could maybe push a 6gpm.

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Running with:

10gpm hot water unit

8gpm hot water unit


8gpm cold water unit

The best thing they all can be split to run two wands at once.

I have water problems feeding my 10g machines. Indsutrial setting is all i can ever use them at.

Have you had any issues Tony?

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