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Weird Day of Sales - They Lie, Stammer and Sign


Last week I had my singly successful sales day in the short history of PressurePros, Inc. I closed 11 out of 11 jobs for a sizable amount of money. The other day was another 7 out of eight. Riding high from those I hit the ground running this afternoon.

Estimate 1 was an older lady. Kinda lonely I think. Looks at me and says "there is no way I can afford that". I say I understand and asked her if she had a price in mind. The usual answer of no, she just didn't think it would cost that much. I didn't say anything. She takes a deep breath and then says "How much would it be if I paid cash?" Hmmm, maybe she forgot about a CD or fund that is just collecting dust. Then she asks me if I barter? LOL. At this point I am intrigued. I ask her what she has to offer. "How about a week at my shore house?"

I asked her where it was.

"Ocean City, NJ"

"What street?"


"On the beach?"

"Right across the street." Now she is smiling like she has me.

"Nope, I'm sorry. I don't have a cash discount and I already have access to a beach house. I can take cash, checks or credit cards, whichever is most convenient for you"

She says "I like you, you are very organized. (this was after I lost my keys in her couch) When can you get it done?"

Cha-ching.. one down.

Next customer lives in a working class demographic. I see a young woman standing at the door and three kids running around. Husband is a young guy, beer in hand (2 pm). Husband comes out when I am measuring and tells me the hand rail will be sanded, he just ran out of sandpaper. Huh?Ohhkay. The rest of your deck is peeling dude. I don't even waste time I sit down at the kitchen table, the husband hovers over me, sees what I am writing and gets beligerent. I'm already annoyed at being "duped" by the wife. I told her I am not the cheapest guy and I only do full restorations with high quality materials. She assured me on the phone they "wanted it done right". Now her half lit husband is telling me I must be crazy. He knows what it costs.. the last guy blah blah blah.. Not wanting to go to prison for throwing someone through a sliding door, I make an exit.

At estimate number three I meet the lady of the house at the door. She tells me her husband will be right in. We hit it off pretty well (he's an entrepreneurial type) I go into my sales schtick and he holds up his hand..

"Can you do it for under $2000?"

"The number came in at 1650 actually"

"You got it. Do you need a deposit?"

The rest went more normally and I ended the day with five out of ten closes. People are a trip.

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Ken conveniently tells only one side of the story. He says:

Husband is a young guy, beer in hand (2 pm). Husband comes out when I am measuring and tells me the hand rail will be sanded, he just ran out of sandpaper.
And further insults with:
Now her half lit husband is telling me I must be crazy. He knows what it costs.. the last guy blah blah blah.. Not wanting to go to prison for throwing someone through a sliding door, I make an exit.
Last time I invite you over to bid on my ipe' deck. You know, cobblers kids have no shoes... Geeze, the nerve. Guy pulls up in a cherry '72 Eldorado with diamond rings big as rocks. 3 piece suit on a hot day. Near has my wife drooling with desire, moon eyes big as saucers. Friggin' salesmen! Hah!

Nice sales run. Get it while you can, August is not that far away!

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Congratulations Ken, you could probably sell fertilizer to a dairy farmer.

I had a priceless sale last week. Actually I'd rather not elaborate too much on it but, it is extremely beneficial to have competition and customers who get more than one price.

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