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MI RT & Demonstration Price Oopsy

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I want to apologise to you all for goofing up on the math when I added up all the expenses for the RT. I have been really stressed out & busy lately and when I added up the expenses I completely left out a few of the expenses. One of them was the food - can you believe ME forgetting about food? OMG!

The price is now $107.00 per person. I'm sorry for the mistake, but I have to cover my expenses for this or I'll be paying out of pocket. The prizes you'll recieve just for showing up will more than offset the $107.00 anyways.

Please don't kill me, or send Scott K up here with a baseball bat.

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Whaaaaaaaat? An extra $30 ?? You mean I get two full days of real world experience on making my operation more efficient on everything from washing, to sales, to internet presence to understanding profit margin AND.. $150 worth of free chemicals and goodies AND.. catered lunch for both days and now you want me to pay an extra $30? You should be ashamed of yourself.

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