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Beth n Rod

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Everything posted by Beth n Rod

  1. 5 Gallon Enclosed Pail

    We used cleaned out left over sealer pails that are square, but we have also used the round ones. You can construct soap pails by plumbing them to suit you. Beth
  2. Everyone should see this....

    msnbc.com Video Player http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/34985508#34985508 Beth
  3. Everyone should see this....

    Yeah, you are a doer. Everyone has there little pet projects and it starts with something small and works into something bigger. Rod!~
  4. Everyone should see this....

    That is a significant challenge to the citizens, most of whom are willing to be sold the latest and greatest with all the bells and whistles. Not impossible, but there has to be a detailed plan on how to accomplish this without corporations taking action to sidestep it. Rod!~
  5. Bartering services

    March 6th and 7th. I'll be posting more info on it soon. Beth
  6. Join The Grime Scene on Facebook!

    Bump! Join us on Facebook! :) Beth
  7. OSHA Quick Cards - everyone needs these

    A couple of these have been on our forums for years, but this index has not been. :) Beth
  8. Phil has spoken

    The rodent gets press because we all need something to look forward to between New Years and Valentines day. The people in that town LIVE for this day, it's the peak of the tourism season for them. :sonic: Beth
  9. Bartering services

    We have done some bartering for business services and also home services, not much by we tried it. I anticipate doing less of it this year unless a very cool deal taps us on the shoulder. I'm always willing to listen to suggestions in any case. You never know when a good deal will present itself. Michael, are you going to the ACR round table in PA? I hope so. I think you would really enjoy it. Beth
  10. Everyone should see this....

    In my book it makes you a cautious consumer. Everyone makes their own business decisions. But thankfully this is not a ***** thread.... ;) Beth
  11. Internet M.S.D.S. database

    Thank you Pat! I looked at it a few weeks ago and it was OK. Here are a few more....hope they are helpful. MSDSSEARCH - The National MSDS Repository SIRI MSDS Index MSDS Xchange - Comprehensive Free MSDS Database I'll clip the other one out. Beth
  12. Internet M.S.D.S. database

    BUMP! Everyone should have this bookmarked. Beth
  13. EnviroSpec's Dr. Pete Article

    Cool! I have also promoted this post to an article. I can now be seen in the Article index as well and on the front page of TGS. Beth
  14. vBulletin FAQ

    Read this to fix your BLOG permissions - your blog is private right now...


  15. vBulletin FAQ

    Read this to fix your BLOG permissions - your blog is private right now...


  16. vBulletin FAQ

    Read this to fix your BLOG permissions - your blog is private right now...


  17. Phil has spoken

    Yeah, well I would hide too if I came out of my hole and there were cameras and lights and loud people with coffee and cocoa and kids with stuffed versions of me and fireworks! :lol: Beth
  18. Everyone should see this....

    Responding in blue: Agreed, he was fortunate and wise to do so. Not every one capable of that discipline is in the position to do that. With wages so low and the cost of living so high, it is a struggle for many to make ends meet. Corporations would be wise to do just that. Save the money, have it go towards productive uses and not risky ventures that compromise the business as a whole while only benefiting those at the top. -There is plenty of interest and benefit to severance and retirement packages to benefit the corporation which become a safeguard and provides a basis from which the corporation in a down economy can draw from with the cooperation of those it is intended for to help pull the corporation out of financial strife. Inadvertently you helped to provide substantiation to another portion of my argument. Corporations such as I have described are currently acting selfishly without concern to their impact on this nation and now are seeking to have more power to control it through this ruling. Let's form a perspective. You and I will not agree here cause I don't hear solutions or ideas on the problems with large corporations, only defense of the status quo in favor of them with no acknowledgment or perhaps realization on your part that there is even a problem. I do not see any potential for a progressive debate with anyone in that position. Rod!~
  19. Everyone should see this....

    Here's a fun link I found today.... www.PresidentialRhetoric.com Beth
  20. Is it time for another photo? How is this going? Beth
  21. Faith vs. Fact (Creation vs. Evolution)

    Wow...now here's an old thread that went on and on and on.... Beth
  22. Everyone should see this....

    Tony, Interesting perspective and surely a very possible scenario but I hope to clarify that my target is Big Corporations (ex; earnings of 10,000,000+) which are precisely the ones in the monetary position to sway elections. I would be impacted by your scenario and I too do not feel the current health bill is a good fit. Agreed on all points and is a major factor that makes it difficult to even afford insurance for my employees currently. Health reform is necessary if my business is to grow and compete. I think we can move beyond that and focus on how the Supreme Courts ruling affects us at our corporations level, and not necessarily with health care which is not the topic. Be clear that I am not wanting Big government, I want effective government. I don't believe it can be so, if it is controllable by those with the money to influence it. That no longer is government for the people.
  23. my first youtube video

    Jon, you can post the link using the little icon that looks like a film strip and it will embed it for you here.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47wxgMbUWoY Beth
  24. Testimonials Industry Orgs

    Thanks Ron.... It only makes sense to let customers know you are a member of an association. Many consumers look for professional affiliations as a affirmation that they are making a good purchasing decision. We always advise clients to: make sure that the companies they are considering are properly licensed make sure that the companies they are considering are in good standing with the Better Business Bureau interview the contractors carefully and make notes of the answers, do your homework and you'll know who is giving you the correct information and who is not check references, especially for complex jobs We may not always agree with what the various associations we belong to are doing, but one thing we do believe is that it is important to have the memberships. Beth
  25. Everyone should see this....

    William, I get your point, and I think you and Rod are having two different discussions. Corporations do have a fiscal responsibility to shareholders (especially when they are public) but they also have a responsibility to employees, and the community they serve, as well as to the country they are incorporated in. With regards to the employees they have the responsibility to provide a safe work environment and to pay the agreed upon wages and benefits, and to give fair reviews and to provide opportunity free of discrimination. With regards to the community they serve (and consumers) they have the responsibility to not harm the environment by operating withing the guidelines of federal and state laws, and to provide the best goods or services they can to the consumer, which is in the best interest not only of the consumer but of the shareholder too. With regards to the country, well they have the responsibility to operate legally at county, city, state and federal levels at all times and to do business in accordance with the laws set forth. One of you is on one talking point, and the other is on another talking point. Both are part of the whole, or at least that is my take on this....but then...I'm a girl what the heck do I know.... :lol: Beth