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Ron Musgraves

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Everything posted by Ron Musgraves

  1. Saturday May 28

    8:00 - 8:30 Attendee

    Free Free Free Free Register here!!!!! Untitled Document

    Derby City Networking Event Schedule:

    9406 Old Bardstown Road

    Louisville, KY 40291

    check in

    8:30 - 12:00 Guest speakers

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch catered by Shack in the Back BarBQ

    1:00 - 5:00 Roundtable discussion

    Sunday May 29

    8:30 - 12:00 Live demos to include:

    Wood cleaning & brightening

    Fleet washing

    Siding & gutter cleaning

    Wet sandblasting

    Sirocco vacuum recovery surface cleaning

    Best rig contest judging

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

    1:00 - 3:00 Skid giveaway, Best rig contest award, Q&A session, wrap up


  2. Saturday May 28

    8:00 - 8:30 Attendee

    Free Free Free Free Register here!!!!! Untitled Document

    Derby City Networking Event Schedule:

    9406 Old Bardstown Road

    Louisville, KY 40291

    check in

    8:30 - 12:00 Guest speakers

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch catered by Shack in the Back BarBQ

    1:00 - 5:00 Roundtable discussion

    Sunday May 29

    8:30 - 12:00 Live demos to include:

    Wood cleaning & brightening

    Fleet washing

    Siding & gutter cleaning

    Wet sandblasting

    Sirocco vacuum recovery surface cleaning

    Best rig contest judging

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

    1:00 - 3:00 Skid giveaway, Best rig contest award, Q&A session, wrap up


  3. Saturday May 28

    8:00 - 8:30 Attendee

    Free Free Free Free Register here!!!!! Untitled Document

    Derby City Networking Event Schedule:

    9406 Old Bardstown Road

    Louisville, KY 40291

    check in

    8:30 - 12:00 Guest speakers

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch catered by Shack in the Back BarBQ

    1:00 - 5:00 Roundtable discussion

    Sunday May 29

    8:30 - 12:00 Live demos to include:

    Wood cleaning & brightening

    Fleet washing

    Siding & gutter cleaning

    Wet sandblasting

    Sirocco vacuum recovery surface cleaning

    Best rig contest judging

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

    1:00 - 3:00 Skid giveaway, Best rig contest award, Q&A session, wrap up


  4. Saturday May 28

    8:00 - 8:30 Attendee

    Free Free Free Free Register here!!!!! Untitled Document

    Derby City Networking Event Schedule:

    9406 Old Bardstown Road

    Louisville, KY 40291

    check in

    8:30 - 12:00 Guest speakers

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch catered by Shack in the Back BarBQ

    1:00 - 5:00 Roundtable discussion

    Sunday May 29

    8:30 - 12:00 Live demos to include:

    Wood cleaning & brightening

    Fleet washing

    Siding & gutter cleaning

    Wet sandblasting

    Sirocco vacuum recovery surface cleaning

    Best rig contest judging

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

    1:00 - 3:00 Skid giveaway, Best rig contest award, Q&A session, wrap up


  5. Saturday May 28

    8:00 - 8:30 Attendee

    Free Free Free Free Register here!!!!! Untitled Document

    Derby City Networking Event Schedule:

    9406 Old Bardstown Road

    Louisville, KY 40291

    check in

    8:30 - 12:00 Guest speakers

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch catered by Shack in the Back BarBQ

    1:00 - 5:00 Roundtable discussion

    Sunday May 29

    8:30 - 12:00 Live demos to include:

    Wood cleaning & brightening

    Fleet washing

    Siding & gutter cleaning

    Wet sandblasting

    Sirocco vacuum recovery surface cleaning

    Best rig contest judging

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

    1:00 - 3:00 Skid giveaway, Best rig contest award, Q&A session, wrap up


  6. Saturday May 28

    8:00 - 8:30 Attendee

    Free Free Free Free Register here!!!!! Untitled Document

    Derby City Networking Event Schedule:

    9406 Old Bardstown Road

    Louisville, KY 40291

    check in

    8:30 - 12:00 Guest speakers

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch catered by Shack in the Back BarBQ

    1:00 - 5:00 Roundtable discussion

    Sunday May 29

    8:30 - 12:00 Live demos to include:

    Wood cleaning & brightening

    Fleet washing

    Siding & gutter cleaning

    Wet sandblasting

    Sirocco vacuum recovery surface cleaning

    Best rig contest judging

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

    1:00 - 3:00 Skid giveaway, Best rig contest award, Q&A session, wrap up


  7. Saturday May 28

    8:00 - 8:30 Attendee

    Free Free Free Free Register here!!!!! Untitled Document

    Derby City Networking Event Schedule:

    9406 Old Bardstown Road

    Louisville, KY 40291

    check in

    8:30 - 12:00 Guest speakers

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch catered by Shack in the Back BarBQ

    1:00 - 5:00 Roundtable discussion

    Sunday May 29

    8:30 - 12:00 Live demos to include:

    Wood cleaning & brightening

    Fleet washing

    Siding & gutter cleaning

    Wet sandblasting

    Sirocco vacuum recovery surface cleaning

    Best rig contest judging

    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

    1:00 - 3:00 Skid giveaway, Best rig contest award, Q&A session, wrap up


  8. Hardly ever need hot water on homes or any vertical surfaces for that matter in residential. You can get anything clean with cold water and chems, Hot water is great for grease and gum which doesn't exist much on homes. Those oil spots can be chemically treated and cold water will work. it might take longer to achieve the same results but can be done.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2TH6myI7Fs The Video was a Private Video between myself & Mike Hilborn. Always was, in light of accusations made by ED I want to make this availiable to Members Only. Keep in mind your viewing a private Video directed twords Mike Hilborn. If your interested and a PWNA member or BOD member I need your Youtube name to authrizing viewing. Text me your Youtube only name. 4805225227 I will not take Email requests...TEXT ONLY The only reason I'm making this post as a request by some PWNA members and BOD who want to see this. The content doesnt worrie me at the least, its my honest thoughts. It was a private message to Mike and some others that recieved in the BOD in the past. Apparently at that time they did not look at it. The only reason I'm using the grime Scene is this is the official Site...PWNA
  10. About 10 people requested , Closing this Option end of month
  11. We actually are going to push more Local networking.
  12. Yes your correct, the PWNA only represents a couple people. TGS represents more people than the org and has more Value helping people. When we have problems in the industry we gather here to help and assist each other. Meetings and seminars are crafted through this vary forum. Its a wonderful place, the re-birth of the PWNA has happened on forums to many times to count. I wish the the PWNA good Luck!!! Make no mistakes this org is has finally shown its about the members only & a few select folks. Thats ok too!! No attacking or beating them up, its was a misunderstanding on my part. That clear voice for the industry should be changed. " Clear Voice for a couple guys" PWNA makes appearance they are something they clearly are not. (FACT) I only hope people will change this, we all have hoped for a long time. I was messed up in this years ago, we put 32 vendors in the org for the first time in history. Where are THEY????????? Gone because this org cannot ever become viable for anything but LOGO rental. Please understand that I'm only telling the truth. I think maybe If assemble all the past presidents in a think tank together we could get to the bottom of this Mess. The problem all started because I disagree with the ED on some issues. It didn't mean I wanted him gone. I just wanted to effectively debate the problem, then when I told them fine go ahead I really do not care this was when the problem really occurred. Jackie I know your reading along with Mike, hope your baby is doing well. I truly wish you luck in your new position, your will be more effective in the spot because you will truly be a servant to the members and the BOD. I always say things can happen for a reason, Mike's leaving could be a huge benefit and plus. If you Jackie need help from me personally you know how to reach me. I will not be a PWNA hater, I will how ever look at the org for what it really stands for. If these BOD want to change my perception or the industry they will have to prove it. I think Most believe that I'm the Bad person they where told about. I can live with that if they can sleep at night knowing they just ousted not one but two of the largest supporters of there org. Why did this happen? Poor leadership and laziness , easier to agree with the people pushing the org forward. People often in these roles play on people ability to want to actually do nothing and allow others to seek there agendas as long as they remain in the position and do not have to work. Is this and attack? No just hard facts that truly cannot be disputed without looking worse. I attacked no person specific, but I already know that silence from myself equals please do not talk with Ron because we do not want the truth out. Opps to late because some men have a conscience for there actions and have already apologized for themselves. We need strong people to make real changes. Maybe some of these guys at the top will change it. I will always be around for my friends in this business. The PWNA as a WHOLE has not been the industry friend, recent items passed are not contractor friendly. These are the vary things that have messed up markets for our industry in the past and it seems they want to keep moving forward with OLD stuff. I can Speak the truth here on the Grime Scene, Robert has already Upset people in Houston. Some of you might think thats great, he's making changes. I prey that the PWNA understands that they need to approve Robert action before he proceeds. If they have learned anything from the ED situation is allow no one to operate in there name alone. ( If beth Needs reference I can Provide her) I never accuse with out proof!!! I doubt Robert would Deny, Robert has always been honest that the people in Houston do not care for him. Please understand that I do not fault Robert for his efforts, I just have issue with the delivery sometimes. Here's My stance with PWNA, I'm not certain they will ever go the direction of the majority or will ever be a force positive in this industry. I will not allow the transgression taken out on me to ever say that good people are not involved. Good people did not do this to me a few bad ones with poor judgement. They are being singled out as always truth prevails. I have never seen people succeed on LIES!!! Maybe the truth will come forward and these men will move this org forward along with the industry. Good Luck to the good people at the PWNA, I wish you luck !!! I will forgive but as the chapter goes I will never forget!!! Your right John a Waste of our time and that a Shame. We represent our industry!!! all of us
  13. PWNA Bulletin Board posts

    Take a Cruise next year for the 20 year, as if we didn't already learn that killed the org last time. MIAmi?????
  14. PWNA Bulletin Board posts

    So all know Mike Hilborn has called me, he has apologized to me for this. I have no beef with Mike and never really have, we just disagreed. He admitted he snapped, everyone makes mistakes. Now because nine others cannot see that this entire wrongs holds no merits they refuse to fix it. If they fixed it that would mean they would be admitting they also made errors. SO all know the BOD has cannot take my calls orders of the president Eric Clark. ( I'm sure someone else advised that) I will tell you this, I have no intentions of renewing at this moment and truly cannot see why me or anyone knowing the BOD condoned this type of behavior would ever want too. The people that do not want this org to grow won!!! ( AGAIN) This org is doomed to be a personal agenda of only a few. While good people are hurt like this along the way. Yes I do not want any part in this 20 year old nothing for our industry. I can tell you this, there are good people caught in this and some who need a logo rental. Good luck to ya, I want more!!!!
  15. PWNA Bulletin Board posts

    So this whole official thread was based on reports that are untruths? Thanks PWNA!!!! Appreciate your fair judgement, loyalty and false findings.
  16. John, I'm not madd at the pwna and its members. The BOD made a Choice to Step away from me and my company before Mike H made these comments. (officially prior to Mike H moment of cutting branches behind him ) In his own address he was giving these statements as to why the BOD had made these choices. Officially in that thread!!!! We all can pretend here that the BOD knew nothing when in fact this was the vary report days earlier they voted Me OUT!!!! They Choose to only post here Now!! These are Facts and this is the way it still remains. Frankly I can live with this, if 9 men can be fooled and do such a terrible thing to a person and when caught they do not do the right thing I truly will not want any further things to with them or there Membership. So you understand the member of this org are good folks, the real bad folks are the Leaders that Allowed this type of action to ever happen. Your statement about support for this org is a false statement. I have never not supported this org, we all disagree with it over the 20 years. For my disagreements I got this!!!!! Thanks PWNA BOD I have done more than the PWNA in a couple months than the PWNA has done in 20 years. This is the real truth, I have put 200 plus people into this org with the efforts of my company and with the help of Kory and others. Through a team effort we manage to rebuild this Org. The question is that some individuals have really never wanted this org to succeed. Its better that they remain small and controllable. If the org gets to large they will loose the obvious control of everyone and then there company will not profit from the org. I'm tired of seeing programs offered to people that are not offered to others. John what you do not know it Delux offers delux bucks at these events they sell in the pWNA booth as incentive to join the pWNA. If I was a vendor wanting to participate with the org I would think twice about participating. These are BS tactics giving advantages to those people who founded the org. They are wrong and not ethical. They will say they where approved by the BOD, just like making me and outcast was approved on a report full of LIES!!!!
  17. estimating Sheet

    Hello Charlie
  18. Black Spots on Wood Decks

    Thats some great Advice Rick
  19. The Chemical Doctor

    You should stop by Kentucky in a few weeks
  20. Customer Hot Buttons

    Great article Beth, never saw it till tonight