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David O'Connell Jr.

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About David O'Connell Jr.

  • Rank
    Forum LeaderTGS Site Supporter
  • Birthday 07/23/1970

Profile Information

  • Company Name
    Reef Property Services, Inc.
  • First & Last Name
    David O'Connell Jr.
  • City & State
  • Occupation
  1. Who has Worker's Comp?

    We were exempt, and now we carry it.
  2. By-Pass Tank

    talk to Bob if your getting the valve from him.
  3. By-Pass Tank

    Get a 35-50 gallon tank plumb it to the pw, use a float valve to auto fill and shut off the customers water. Easy to do.
  4. Who does house washes ....

    with NO pressure washer? I think Tim does, anyone else?
  5. Chemical Reactivity Worksheet - Download

    They have one for mac too. :)
  6. lack of confidence in GM

    Dan - Have you done an internet search for salvage yars? I have bought parts online before and had great luck :deal: you also get a decent warranty from some places.
  7. Stucco cleaning

    Stucco is easy. You have a lot of windows - use an X-Jet , wet the windows with water, open the valve shoot some chems. Close valve rinse windows, let dwell and then rinse.
  8. What should I use for 2 and 3rd story houses?

    Yeah, wind kills even 8 GPM's.
  9. What should I use for 2 and 3rd story houses?

    3 stories might be hard for a 4 gpm. maybe an X-Jet. anyone? We use 8 GPM
  10. Big fence problem

    I second what Larry said here. We had about 700 feet of wall that was behind peoples houses, we did all of it w/chem. NO PWing.
  11. Logan Airport Whahh Hoooo

    I can tell, can't you?
  12. Virtual Election '08

    What about a paper trail?? LOL
  13. Labor Day

    Grilling here! Smoked some Ribs yesterday! WooHoo!!
  14. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    Thats why it is "state" not Country
  15. Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?

    I believe that the whole separation thing was directed towards Jefferson when he was a governor and they asked him if he would "make" his states religion the nations if elected. There is no seperation of Church and State. The first schools here were church schools and the first text books were Bibles. Just look at the history of the oldest schools in the country. You might be suprised.