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John T

Million dollar contracts.


Who here has put in a million dollar contract and actually recieved one?? In the past I put in a couple of million dollar jobs and this one time I thought I might get it but so far no go.

Anyone else ever put in for a million dollar bid or was just about to get it?? One of these days someone will hit that Million dollar dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Who here has put in a million dollar contract and actually recieved one?? In the past I put in a couple of million dollar jobs and this one time I thought I might get it but so far no go.

Anyone else ever put in for a million dollar bid or was just about to get it?? One of these days someone will hit that Million dollar dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

john, if your talking annual? the one you just got may reach that.

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My first year doing kitchen exhaust we cleaned this greasy spoon. They were impressed enough with what we were doing for them that the owner mentioned my name to his B.I.L who was a bigshot with Trump. I was asked to bid all of his casinos. They put us (myself and the other bidders)up for three days and treated us well. I knew I was out of my league at that time but it was a great experience. I don't know what the final contract amount was but I bid $1.3M and was tossed as lowest bidder.

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We have never had that type of opportunity to bid jobs at 1m plus. Congratulations to everyone. The large scale bids that we have done tend to make me nervous. Something of a large bid means a demand and that would take most of my employees to manage the job, and then hire new ones with no experience. I'm a bit septic some what because all of my past customers of 18 years are the one who got me to where I am today and I never want to loose them.

We currently are turning down a $25,000 log home because it will require to much time vs. current customer work list.

John T. needs this job to pay his property taxes on Long Island, taxes are a killer out there!

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