10. Ron M. does not know what wood is. No need to spell.
9. With 74 years of experience, Diamond Jim has yet to learn back brushing.
8. When it rains, 50+ yr. old contractors can take the day off and drink lots of beer. A perfect excuse to pursue the good life.
7. Customers scratch their heads when the stain materials line item bill is over over $500. Seems reasonable for moisturized wood.
6. It is made in Texas. From black gold. Sam Houston and George Bush were made in Texas.
5. Beth 'n Rod never tried to distribute it. K. Fenner knows it washes off of hardwoods. Kevin in Ca. is stumped.
4. Don ?, the owner of the company, builds orphanages in Mexico. Stops by the plant once in a while, and goes back looking for Pancho Villa's offspring. Has nice hats and t-shirts. Does not yet know what a website is.
3. No one in Michigan uses it. Cannot complete a deck in a day, let alone an hour. Contractors make more money when it appears that they actually do some work.
2. Peirce Fitchett, the "National Sales Manager" is the best name in the business and has the easiest job in the world. F. Scott Fitzgerald would be jealous of a character with that moniker.
1. The product never changes. It is boring. No VOC stuff, no surprises. RS is comfort food for wood. Ask OPEC. Enough said.
10. Ron M. does not know what wood is. No need to spell.
9. With 74 years of experience, Diamond Jim has yet to learn back brushing.
8. When it rains, 50+ yr. old contractors can take the day off and drink lots of beer. A perfect excuse to pursue the good life.
7. Customers scratch their heads when the stain materials line item bill is over over $500. Seems reasonable for moisturized wood.
6. It is made in Texas. From black gold. Sam Houston and George Bush were made in Texas.
5. Beth 'n Rod never tried to distribute it. K. Fenner knows it washes off of hardwoods. Kevin in Ca. is stumped.
4. Don ?, the owner of the company, builds orphanages in Mexico. Stops by the plant once in a while, and goes back looking for Pancho Villa's offspring. Has nice hats and t-shirts. Does not yet know what a website is.
3. No one in Michigan uses it. Cannot complete a deck in a day, let alone an hour. Contractors make more money when it appears that they actually do some work.
2. Peirce Fitchett, the "National Sales Manager" is the best name in the business and has the easiest job in the world. F. Scott Fitzgerald would be jealous of a character with that moniker.
1. The product never changes. It is boring. No VOC stuff, no surprises. RS is comfort food for wood. Ask OPEC. Enough said.
Edited by RPetryRon M. spells better on the fly
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