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Dog vs Deck


I applied Olympic Maxum's honey gold to my own deck this spring to basically test it out. Looks great but my question is with my new puppy. When we let him out he tends to do his biz on one corner of the deck. We always pick it up and squirt the deck off right away, but now, after 1 month, that corner of the deck has no water repellency and is turning black. I'm guessing it's because of the ph of the urine. I don't know. Should I wash the section w/ citralic and re-seal it? Any suggestions?

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My issue is that my deck is 2nd story so as soon as he goes out it's plop and whiz! It's better than in my house because our carpet has been hurting. I'll guess I'll have to wait until he's fully trained to the grass. I'll probably wait untill next year and strip the whole deck and test a new product.:goodgrief

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I'll give this a shot...Urine is acidic, so I don't think that more acid is the answer. I would try washing with plain water first, then a weak sodium hydroxide solution, then acid. You've got nothing to lose at this point, and the experience/knowledge gained (and shared) may come in handy in the future.

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John It depends who's PeePee your checking. Get out your test strip and check it. A good reading for a huminoid is more alkalized. If its acid change your diet. Orr if it is acidic ? Just pee on the wood to neutralize.

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Ok, I had to find out. Dog urine has ph of 6.0 to 8.0, depending on diet. Females tend to have lower ph's than males. What may be staining the deck is urea, which is high in nitrogen.

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