These hurricanes are really putting a hurting on my business. I have only been in business for a year and a few months and this summer things were just starting to come together then Francis showed up and ever since the phones have been dead. Finally last week the phone started to ring again and now Jean's projected path has its eye on use and the phone stopped ringing again. I'm just about fed up with the whole thing. I have bills to pay and the way things are going if we get any substatial effects from this storm (hurricane jean) it might be just enough to put me out of business. Maybe I'll go buy a chain saw and become a tree guy or yard pick up service. Thats whos making the money around here. Anyone else in Florida seeing the kind of drought in work that I have been experienceing?
The problem is that every time one storm comes through there is another one right behind it, so people are afraid to have anything cleaned because they think it will just get messed up again. maybe if I can just hang on till the end of hurricane season everybody will finally decide to have there homes serviced. Anyway, just needed to vent my frustration. I'm sure there are plenty of other people in this state that have been much more effected than I have, so I'll stop whining.
These hurricanes are really putting a hurting on my business. I have only been in business for a year and a few months and this summer things were just starting to come together then Francis showed up and ever since the phones have been dead. Finally last week the phone started to ring again and now Jean's projected path has its eye on use and the phone stopped ringing again. I'm just about fed up with the whole thing. I have bills to pay and the way things are going if we get any substatial effects from this storm (hurricane jean) it might be just enough to put me out of business. Maybe I'll go buy a chain saw and become a tree guy or yard pick up service. Thats whos making the money around here. Anyone else in Florida seeing the kind of drought in work that I have been experienceing?
The problem is that every time one storm comes through there is another one right behind it, so people are afraid to have anything cleaned because they think it will just get messed up again. maybe if I can just hang on till the end of hurricane season everybody will finally decide to have there homes serviced. Anyway, just needed to vent my frustration. I'm sure there are plenty of other people in this state that have been much more effected than I have, so I'll stop whining.
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