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Water Adapter Filters?

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I'm sure everyone has seen the "Mr Clean Car Wash kit" .. I've actually used one of these and it works great, no spots at all. I was wondering if there is any kind of commercial type adapter with interchangeable filters that would work the same way that product does, which softens the hard water to help give you a spot free rinse. I know thet have expensive DI rigs that you can get this result with, but if this cheap little $20 "Mr Clean kit" can soften water, there's got to be something like that somewhere, where I could change filters and get soft water??? Thanks for any advice.


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Actually you get alot more then 1 - 2 washes with the "Mr Clean" filter. This is not something that would be used all the time, maybe for windows and fleet washes? I was just wondering if Mr Clean can do it why cant I find one that I can use with my PW :) no big deal... I just know that a DI system can run you more then a good PW machine, so I thought someone might have a filter you could attach to the water hose beofre it goes into the machine.

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