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Getting this off my chest....


I've been reading alot of post on various other boards and I see a common thing that bothers me, so I want to get something off my chest.

Just because a guy has a smaller rig and equipment then yours, does not make him a low ballin, free loadin, beer drinking dummy.

Just because someone is not a member of the pwna does not make him a low ballin, free loadin, beer drinking dummy.

Just because a guy works part time, and does not do it full time with 10 employees & 50 trucks does not make him a low ballin, free loadin, beer drinking dummy.

Just because someone may not clean something the same way you do.... well I'm sure you can all see where I'm going with this.

I've seen alot of "I'm mighty & your not" attitudes and it bothers me. Everyone is talking about what they can do to better the industry, here's a suggestion, deflate some egos?

So what if a guy buys his machine from home depot? If he's just going around doing houses, why would he need a skid mounted high opressure hot water unit to clean vinyl siding???? If he has insurance, a proper license and registration with county & state, and he can make a profit cleaning houses... HOORAY! Thats great! Lets stop this "I'm mightier then thou" attitude...

Deep Breath.......

Ok I feel better now :)

This is not directed to anyone here, just something I'm notcing way to often on these bb's

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Just because a guy has a smaller rig and equipment then yours, does not make him a low ballin, free loadin, beer drinking dummy.

Just because someone is not a member of the pwna does not make him a low ballin, free loadin, beer drinking dummy.

Just because a guy works part time, and does not do it full time with 10 employees & 50 trucks does not make him a low ballin, free loadin, beer drinking dummy.

burp - YEAH! - hiccup......hiccup......(falls off chair)....:lgbounces

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