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getting rid of moss on wood siding


Hello. Has anybody ever had a customer with moss on the wood siding? The roots of the moss are in the wood. Is there anything that will kill the moss and the roots? Please let me know asap. Thanks.

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Got a photo?

Usually when we see actual moss growing there is rot present. We had a deck we did, and you could have placed a golf ball on the top of th emoss mound and teed off!

Press your fingers down onthe area and see how much give there is. If rot is there, you are facing a much bigger issue.


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The customer wants a price to clean it off of the house. It is everywhere. It is even on the second story and the chimney. I think I could knock it off using the X-Jet M5 that I have but I just want to do a good job. The homeowner told me they usually have the house pressure washed but the last people could not reach the second story and the top of the chimney. I would like to offer a solution to their problem and maybe that would help me get my name out in this part of town. The moss does look like it has roots and is growing into the siding. I was wondering if I cleaned the house and then used something right after to kill the roots or if I should wait a day or more for things to dry. It has been raining here lightly for a couple of days. Any suggestions for chemicals? If I go out there again, I will take my camera and post the pictures.

Thanks for any help.

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If you are applying chemicals then you certainly would want to keep them wet. Factor in the amount of time it is going to take you to clean off the moss. Then factor in the dwell time of the chemical you are going to use. After that you can pretty much figure out whether or not you can do this in one day.

If it is a 2 man crew, you should get it done with no problem

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