I thought I remembered Beth one evening at a wood chat mentioning that a hand held spray bottle is used by a number of people. We use our Decker for the inside stiles right now. But the outside stiles, we like to work between the stiles from the inside. Is there one type that is better than others? A small Hudson, pump up first and then spray for a while; or a squeeze as you go bottle. Any thoughts you might have would be appreciated.
I thought I remembered Beth one evening at a wood chat mentioning that a hand held spray bottle is used by a number of people. We use our Decker for the inside stiles right now. But the outside stiles, we like to work between the stiles from the inside. Is there one type that is better than others? A small Hudson, pump up first and then spray for a while; or a squeeze as you go bottle. Any thoughts you might have would be appreciated.
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