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Business Cell Phone Question



I have been using cingular for just under 2 years now and since I am due for renewal next month, I was wondering your opinions on your business cell phones/plans?

I live in South Florida and would appreciate any advise you can give. Since we're busy in south Florida, I don't have allot of time to check out plans. (not to mention, the number of plans available makes my brain numb).

Any input would be appreciated.

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12 answers to this question

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Hey Terry,

Most contractors use Nextel and a Motorola phone. They cost a few more pennies but their coverage rate is good and direct connect is invaluable for when you have multiple employees.

A little side note: I tried the Barlox. I can see what you are saying about cling. On my second mix I tried adding 16 oz to my 5 gallon mix. It was pure foam, stuck to vertical surfaces and underneath soffits and stayed there until I rinsed. I couldn't realy discern if it was an effective cleaner though as this house primarily needed mold removed and the hypochlorite took care of that.

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We love our Nextel! Make sure that you get a plan with Nationwide direct connect, not just local. Once you're hooked up, you'll be amazed how many folks from out of your area you'll connect up with - to ask a question, to check on something, to get DIRECTIONS!, etc...

Motorola makes a couple of phones that will withstand getting dropped in puddles as well. Roger's tried to drown his more than once.


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Nextel has bad reception here in Houston and they a lot of dead zones.I'm a Verizon user and have been for over 5 years GREAT carrier here in this area. "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW" :D

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Terry, considering that you are close by, I have to say Metro PCS.

They're coverage down here is good and you can't go wrong with unlimited usage for 45 bucks +tax.

I pay a lot of money for my cell phone and it would still come out cheaper to have to pay Metro per month and keep my Verizon at a very basic rate.....just incase I drop signal, have to make nationwide long distance calls or when I travel.

It's the convenience of not having to worry about going over your alotted minutes.

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Verizon has worked everywhere for me except deep in the inner bowels of a super Walmart and a few spotty areas in the mountains (not a problem in southern FL).

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we use nextels.....unfortunatley, they are more expensive than others, but the D.C. feature is invaluable......especially when everybody we deal with, personal and professional is using them.....makes life a lot easier..

my .02 - (plus state tax, national cell users fee, this fee, that fee, this B.S tax, that B.S. tax, nationwide communications fee, button pushers tax, tower maint. fees, etc, etc, etc, ........so my .02 now costs an additional $45.91, that wasnt mentioned in the package when we signed up !!!!!)

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I agree with Michael!

I've had Nextel service for 6 years now. It's a love/hate relationship. I love it when it works, hate it when it doesn't and hate it when the phone bill arrives.

There are plenty of dead areas anywhere I've travelled and the direct connect likes to scramble itself which is a lot of fun when you're busy. It kind of sounds like C-3PO from starwars, but backwards.

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FWIW, I am in a relative small town (40k homes-150k residents). I have a local phone number (770-460-xxxx) forwarded to my cell 24x7. 770-460 is well recognized here as a fayetteville # and I advertise only that number. I have 1-2 customers a month that tell me that they called me because I had a fayetteville number. If you are in an area that hass a well recognized areacode-exchange, this may well offer you a boost in calls.

Btw, that's 770-460-0469 if you are interested.

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