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Steve Kiser

poor guy lol


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"Left there to rot" ???


These whiny crybabies really **** me off. This man acts like the rest of his life will be ruined by this incident. Honestly, who can put a monetary value on his embarrassment? Instead of being so quick to file a lawsuit he should have asked to see the security video. Glue dries fairly quickly so they should have a pretty good idea from the videos of who did it. The whole bypass surgery thing was thrown in there as a red herring for sympathy. This man should be slapped, not rewarded, for being so quick to sue.


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No, I'm not jealous at all. I'm just sick of this litigious society we've become and how quick people are to want to sue. When the guy claims that "it isn't Home Depot's fault" but wants to sue because he was embarassed or because they laughed at him, I just don't understand how you justify a lawsuit with the intent on getting money out of it. Some other things I don't understand why people think they are entitled to sue:

Getting injured on my property while they are trespassing. I'm currently installing my own irrigation system and I have trenches dug across the yard. I had to stand outside on Halloween so some dumba$$ kid wouldn't walk across the yard (instead of using the driveway) and get injured.

Getting burned by hot coffee when you drink the same coffee everyday and realize that hey, it's hot! Then for some reason one day you spill it on yourself and now it's the restaurants fault that you were careless. Be responsible!

Seeing a wet floor sign in a store and choosing to ignore it and walk through and fall anyway. Who's fault is that? Certainly can't blame the poor shopper because that just wouldn't make sense.

Anyway, you get my point. People's flippant tendencies to sue and get money for nothing has made our society so politically correct and added so much liability to companies' operations that it just makes me sick.

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