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At 12:05 today a tornado swept through downtown Sylvester. We had been in the area hit about 10 minutes earlier.

No serious injuries have been reported,but there is some property damage. I'll have pics up later when I have time to resize them. We are going to see who needs/wants help cleaning up.

Pic 1: The front of a dry cleaners that stopped just short of completely being blown out.

Pic 2: The drive-thru at one of the banks.There were cars trapped under the ceiling pieces that fell.

Pic #: A large metal work shelter at the county power company(40'wide x 60' long x 20' tall)twisted into a ball on thrown over the fence.

The radio tower(150') at the sheriff's office came down onto several patrol cars and damaged the roof of the jail.They have brought in a mobile command unit frrom another county to re-establish communications for emergency services.Even without communications our small town police,fire and sheriff's office rocked.They completed a business to business sweep checking for injuries minutes after the tornado hit. With no power in the area they has patrol cars at all major intersections directing traffic and set up a perimeter around the most severely damaged areas.

Lots of broken glass at businesses downtown.The bank in the pics suffered some serious damage to the roof in addition to the drive-thru.Some homes in the area have trees through them and a mechanics shop had 1 entire brick wall blown out.




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Scott, glad to see you and yours are well and moving to help those around you. (I expected you would) Keep us posted and let us know if we can help and how.:)

I've seen a few tornadoes, was in Oklahome City for the two monsters you always see on tv, and know they can make you feel a little:lgbugeyes so hang in there and make sure everybody is really doing OK, especially the little ones. You're in my prayers.

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I saw some footage on the newsreel last night.

Glad you are ok. Maybe there will be some jobs for you after the cleanup is done (not to sound morbid). If you need any backup, I'm there for ya. I think I am only about 50 or so miles from you. stay safe.


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Thanks for the offer.Some of the buildings that were hit will have to be demolished.A few of them are close to 100 yrs old it's a shame they will have to be leveled,but the worst damaged were the ones that had become and eyesore anyway.

You are actually about 190+ miles north of me.

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I just got back from a trip to Mississippi this past week and the sites from the hurricane were unbelievable. Some of those areas were completely lifted off the foundations. It will be a while before they completely recover. I actually saw packs of dogs in survival mode on some road kill. Some businesses were open and running their store with an entire wall missing or chunks of roofs ripped off.

It sure puts a different light on things. All the history that can be wiped away in moments. Well, glad you made it through ok.

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