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John T

Bulletin Boards and Org's(INTERNET ORG)


Sometimes I think there could be a major change to how Org's operate and what there foundations are. This is probably going to be a far out idea to some but its a continuous thought that I have in my head and its targeted towards this Board as an example.

What I'm thinking is an Org. that has a foundation that is wrapped around a bb. The bb is the heart and sole of this org. where its members and non members can comunicate on a regular bases and all Org. news and discussions are right there on the bb for all members to discuss and if Votes are needed to implement rules and idea's than that can be done right on the bb.

This way now all matters of the org. is tied in completely with the bb. You could have rountables chats schedule on the bb where people from around the country or world for that matter can participate..You can have programs set-up thru the bb that is like class work. There's so much you can do thru a bb that just can't be done any other way at such a cheap cost.

Now of course there would be a cost for this and thats built into what the Org. membership cost would be.

This org. would be unique because its heart and sole is the strength of the bb thats wrapped into it. It would be along the lines of what a internet accredited college would be in a sense.

Could there be get togethers scheduled thru this bb?? Sure if thats what the members want and vote on to make it happen.

There's so much more I could add here but I'll leave that up to some of you guys who may have much much better idea's....but I have to say that I don't think the internet is used to its fullest capacity and ability that it could be and this is why I think if some creative Genius could find a way there is a goldmine to be had in an INTERNET ORG. and when there's money there's benefits to be had for its members.

Think about this while your chewing a sandwich or enjoying a 5 star dinner at a restaurant with a bottle of Red or White staring at you(I just saw Billy Joel In concert last nite at the Garden which made me think of that "Bottle of Red, Bottle of White")

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I thought pwna tried that. John you are correct though. It seems to me that on average there are 150-200 members on this board daily, and that could be an org by itself, not to mention all of the others that do not check in as often. I am a member of a handful of orgs with my weekly paycheck job and some of them have less members than this board. In such a niche market such as pwing there are not as many pressure washers as say General Contractors or home builders. With the internet and the use of bulletin boards it allows the niche contractors to be able to have an org without having to travel great lengths to get together with other contractors with the same interest. You make a good point, One thing that I have found with being a member of some of these orgs is that a lot of times it is what the individual makes it. That determines what you get out of it.

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I think they already operate and serve better than most orgs.

they are just not labeled org.

the purpose they provide is education and knowledge.

TGS.org ***.org PWN.org

Main Entry: 1or·ga·ni·za·tion audio.gif

Pronunciation: "or-g&-n&-'zA-sh&n, "org-n&-

Function: noun

1 a : the act or process of organizing or of being organized b : the condition or manner of being organized

2 a : ASSOCIATION, SOCIETY <charitable organizations> b : an administrative and functional structure (as a business or a political party); also : the personnel of such a structure

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