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Don M.

What would you buy?


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Well, common sense tells me to buy a wand first to make life a little easier. Then in a few weeks I can buy a surface cleaner. I am going after my local banks for their drive throughs so that is why I want to get a surface cleaner. But some of the houses that I washed during my first year were Tony Soprano style houses that I just couldn't quite reach the peaks.

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I suggest a good quality surface cleaner, they are money makers if your homes in your area have concrete driveways and commercial properties banks malls etc should all be concrete, probably in need of cleaning

Why do you need a wand, do you use xjet or have long range nozzles for chem inject.

I hate long wands

Dont you wish you were rich and could buy it all


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This is the start of my second season and I am wanting to either buy a wand or surface cleaner first. What would you suggest?




I would buy the surface cleaner first. I think you will find that an extension wand just isn't used much.

Are you using the xjet? Why don't you try using a 6 - 8' lance on your gun for the high peaks. The few extra feet may solve your problem on the tall houses. It would also be cheaper than an ext. wand.


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Get both! If you need the wand to make your life easier then get it. Upgrade.

If you will be doing more flat-work, then buy a surface cleaner too. It will all pay for itself in time saved and less effort on your part will help you feel like you have accomplished something and the big jobs aren't so big anymore.

We bought a whisper wash classic back in the end of '99 and used it over the the next season. Whoa! It saved so much time and literally paid for itself the first season.

I don't buy wands anymore because of the wood restoration side that requires we make so many changes in its configuration. Instead, I buy a real good gun and variable sizes in lances to add on and flex wands. Our full size wands are more ornate in the vehicles than used because our crew is so used to just using the small gun and interchanging the lance size to fit the job.

My advice is to reinvest into your business to make your job easier and more profitable by the time you can save using better equipment. Coming from a person with back problems, it has helped me stay in the game far longer than if I hadn't.


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That is no joke. Today I cleaned my first commercial brick building. I did lots or research on here last night and found out the roto nozzle. I went out and bought one last night and man did that thing work like a charm. I xjetted my solution on waited about 10 minutes and used it.

Hopefully these pictures load up. I have a hard time with them for some reason.

Anyway, I cant say thank you enough to everyone on this bbs. It has made my life easier.

Thanks again




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