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Pump Question

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I recently purchased a Cold Water skid from Delco Rk-41 CW. On there website it listed the pump as General TS2021 at 5GPM 3500 PSI. Below is a link to the machine. http://pressurewash.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=26_40&products_id=464&osCsid=5ceafaf08c8ee8d0f6f58625981b25d0

That was the pump I had on my hot water skid and I liked it. Well, when I recieved the PW and the pump it had on it was a General TS1011. So I called Delco and they assured me that it was a misprint and that the TS1011 would still give me 5GPM at 3500 PSI.

Just to make sure I contacted General directly. There rep said the best I could get from the TS1011 was 4GPM at 2000 psi, 1450 RPM or 4.7 GPM at 1500psi, 1750 RPM

Does anyone have any input on this and also whats the best way to accurately check the flow rate on a pump?

If it helps the engine is a 16 HP Vanguard.

I'm still learning so any input would be helpful.



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The TS1011 has a 12 mm stroke, the TS2021 has a 16 mm stroke, both with 20 mm pistons, so a TS2021 will pump more water per revolution than a TS1011. The internal parts of the TS1011 are identical to the parts of a TS1511, rated at 4 gpm, 3,500 psi.

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Thanks for your input. Seems like you know your pumps. I totally agree with what you posted.

I'm strong on the cleaning/sales part of my company but still learning the pump breakdowns and tech stuff so your information is priceless.

I've been lucky enough to have a Tuff hot water skid, TS2021 pump, for about 6 years without many problems and never had to breakdown the pump.

Whats the best way to test the pumps flow rate? I always try to do a search before posting but didn't find anything.

Should I just fill up a five gallon bucket and time it for 1 minute?

Larry the tech from delco still swears this pump TS1011 will produce 5GPM at 3500 psi. What am I missing?


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Larry is a good guy. Do a test on the pump and see if it proves out. You can also check the general website. This does not sound like a Delco thing to do. There must be more to the story.

Scott Stone

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I had a 1021 pump and the General specs are 5.6 gpm/1700 psi at 1450 rpm. The skid was rated for 5.3 gpm/3500psi and the latter numbers were true when tested.

I have asked many folks why General says one thing and the distribs say another and the most often heard answer is that General changed the specs and did not revise their info.

Who knows what the real answer is?


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This breakdown shows the TS 1011, 1511, and 2011. The only differences are a nickel plated manifold and a crankcase cover.


Are you sure it isn't a T1011? Those specs are the same as a TS2021.


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I rechecked the pump to avoid making a stupid mistake and wasting everyones time. It's a TS1011.

Larry at Delco is a good guy and seems to know his stuff but when I order a machine with a TS2021 listed in it's specs and recieve one with a TS1011 I'm somewhat skeptical. It's funny because from what I've found the 1011 is a more expensive pump than the 2021 but GPM is very important to me.

Besides the fact that I have Delco telling me one thing and a General tech saying the opposite I'm not sure who is right. Both Larry at Delco and the General tech know a heck of alot more than I do about pumps.

I'm definately not bashing Delco in anyway. They had the machine to me really fast and if you see the machine it's set up pretty cool, like my Tuff hotwater skid without the coil. Just what I was looking for.

I think Alan might be right. General has not revised there specs yet. I just bought an new E-250 so I'm still in the proccess of setting up my rack systems, lettering etc. but I will check the pump soon and let everyone know what flow rate and psi it checks out to be. I'm sure it will be more inline with what Larry told me.

I've been PWing for sometime now and should probably have more working knowledge of the pumps but I've been lucky enough to not have any problems with my previous skid. I'm a maintenance fanatic lol

Two things in life that make you learn quick are inspiration and desperation. And I'm desperate not to have a subpar machine with the busy season approaching lol

What's the most accurate test for GPM. Just fill up a 5 gallon bucket and time it? Or put a #5 tip on and see if my pressure gage reads 3500 PSI?

Thanks for all the great replies.


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Larry the tech from delco still swears this pump TS1011 will produce 5GPM at 3500 psi. What am I missing?


the only thing i see that you are missing is a ts2021 pump. I would want them to send a call tag for the machine to pick it up and send one with the correct pump. I very seriously doubt General would mislabel a pump. I would think that the ts1011 is less expensive than the 2021. Good luck

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