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American Idol


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My fiance and I are pretty much hooked. We've watched religously since the first season. This season's talent is lightyears ahead of the previous seasons. I haven't broke down who I think is my favorite, but the guys overall are better than the girls this year.

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Yeah, I like him too. Finally, someone different & good! I kinda hope that Miss. Pickler (I forgot her first name) wins. She has had a hard life and still has a great attitude.

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  Jarrod said:
Yeah, I like him too. Finally, someone different & good! I kinda hope that Miss. Pickler (I forgot her first name) wins. She has had a hard life and still has a great attitude.

...jeez, but who would want to listen to that accent all day long!! Lucky for her she is hot.

I like the two really young afr.american girls, as far as the girls go......and you gotta love the guy that looks like Jim Foley:)

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....but Celeste is claiming he is from NC?? Someone has staked claim to something not their own:) Now, Celeste--if you are going to brag and stake claim to this "chris" guy, then you also need to openly claim Clay Aiken as a Chosen Son of NC:)

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  Jon Fife said:
...jeez, but who would want to listen to that accent all day long!! Lucky for her she is hot.

I like the two really young afr.american girls, as far as the girls go......and you gotta love the guy that looks like Jim Foley:)

She does have a pretty strong accent. You can even hear it when she sings!

My wife likes the little guy with the glasses. She calles him "Tweety."

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  Jarrod said:

My wife likes the little guy with the glasses. She calles him "Tweety."

I think he looks more like Charlie Brown ...:lgsideway

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We have Bucky, Chris, Heather Cox and Kelly Pickler.....who embarrassed my state with the calimari thing - geez...

And yes, I'll lay claim to lil Clay Aiken and Fantasia!


PS - I think Bo got the short end - he absolutely ROCKED!

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I think Taylor Hicks is great. Play's a mean harp to. He's one of those guys that you would see singing in the subway for money and say "Why isn't that guy signed yet".

I love musicians that sing/play because that's there passion and if they get famious great, if not they would still be playing somewhere.

He's really original but with a Joe Cocker, Marc Cohen and Ray Charles feel lol

My girlfriend is a singer /songwriter and she got me watching Idol about 3 years ago. I've been hooked ever since.


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From the same state? You guys are so 'wannabe'. I got one from my town! Go Parris Bennett!

Anyone remember Diana DeGarmo? We lived about 5 miles apart before she was famous. Alas, the relationship was doomed. Restraining orders make it so difficult for a relationship to last.... JK ;)

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