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Having the answers

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I had 4 appointments today, 3 with General Managers of large ocean front hotel/condo towers and one with a golf pro, for a local course

You know with time & experience you learn how to handle people/customers better. Having the answers and being ready for what ever they throw at you helps

Two of the people were great, were open to having me do the work, they were referalls. No problem went in and told them what needed to be done and some of it they said ok and some has to wait because of money or time

One of the other GM, was trying to beat me down on price, but I had all the answers. Its a 90K+ parking garage & front entrance. We are going to be doing it 2 times a year. The first time we are only doing the 1st 5 floors of 10 floors,so he asked me the price for doing half. I told him since he's with this certain PM company I'll do the job for half the total of but theres a little extra of the front entrance I'll be doing and I should charge extra. It cmes out to $6600 for all 10 floors, so $3300 for 5 floors. He says they only have $3000 in the budget for the 1st cleaning. He wanted me to take off $300. I told him I CAN'T. I told him that my price is very good and so isnt our work. I told him theres a reason you got rid of the last company, its either they charged more or did subpar work or both. I once again stated our price is good and our quality of work is unsurpassed by any in the area. He paused for a while and I pulled out my contract. I explained excactly what & how we were going to clean the parking garage and told him if he signs now the price is set for 2 years. He asked again for me to lower my price and I nicely said if he needs time to think about it ok. I started pulling back contract and he said let me see it. A few minutes later he signed it. It felt good getting this signed.

Now another GM had told one of my PM's that he wasnt ready to sign for their 230,000 sq ft garage. He wanted to try us out on a smaller project. So we met today and he showed me what he wanted done. Its an aarea of the front of building that is shwing mold, mildew & rust. We went in his office and I gave him a price it was under $2000 he said that was fair. So I brought up the parking garage, Now I already had known that they were only going to do this garage once a year at most, a heads up from the PM. So he asked how I come up with my figure on the garage. Its a square foot rate. Im charging $.06 since he's with this certain PM company the same one as above. He tells me if its done twice a year thats almost $30,000 a year

He asked me why so much. Simple answer "Sir its a big parking garage" He told me they had someone do it last year for $8000. I asked him why they arent doing it this year. He paused and said it didnt look like they did anything they werent happy with the job. I told him let me explain how we do it and I did. He said how does he know we'll do a better job. I asked him if the other company used hot water, surafce cleaners degreasers . He saud he didnt know. I also said instead of 2 times a year, we'll do it one time to save money so its not $30K its less than 15K. I was told they werent going to do it 2 times by PM

I told him let me do a sample, let me show him what can be done. We do sample next week, 20X20 I told him. He Ok'd the little job and he thanked me for explaining everything

Now I dont know if we'll get the parking garage or not. Id say a good chance. But as their complaining about quality, price etc. I was ready for any question he threw at me.

Today was a good sales day. held my ground and told them why they cant afford not to use us. We'll see what happens

I dont know why I wrote all this, just wanted to share my days experience

The calls and work just keep coming in. I also got phone ok from 2 other PM's to schedule projects. This is going to be one hell of a year:lgsideway


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Glad to hear that Jeff!! Love to sit and read your ramblins sometimes kinda inspires a guy. Keep it up dude!!!!! :cool:

just like to babble about the biz, the wife is alright to talk to but, just doesnt follow what I'm saying all the time, she's busy being Mom, pregnant and watching American Idol & America Top Model

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I dont know why I wrote all this, just wanted to share my days experience

Because people like me needed to learn from your experience.

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Im glad you all like my post, These BB's are so much help to me also, I wouldnt be anywhere without them and you all. Ive been pretty lucky.

Thanks for letting me share whats going on in my life. Its a great help to me and its relaxing and I learn so much from you all

Thanks everyone for everything. Now could you help me figure out how the heck Im going to be able to do all this:lgbugeyes :lgbonk:

You know its really funny, I dont know S--- about biz, I mean it, but i get it done somehow, If you could see my home office & paper work.......LOL



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The experience you bring here is valuable. Your post is is a good example of educating the customer 101.

Keeping with the topic 'Having the answers' which is in essence being prepared as an integral factor to success in business, I would like to pop a ??? to anyone who would like to contribute...

We all know that life throws us some curve balls and our background doesn't always compensate to fill in the gap.

How do you handle the situation if you don't know the answer(s)?

What is your response?


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How do you handle the situation if you don't know the answer(s)?

What is your response?


I usually know the answers now to most questions, but if Im really dont have any idea I'm honest and tell them I just dont know and I'll look into it and get back to you.

When I was real new to this not long ago, Id try to BS them or just say I dont know. I dont like either answer thou. With time & experience comes knowledge. Ive been caught stammering for the right answer before and now just tell them the truth.

Now if it was questions about wood, I know very little and thats part of the reason I dont try for wood work, I'll leave that stuff up to you pro's

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How do you handle the situation if you don't know the answer(s)?

What is your response?


I just tell people "I don't know the answer to their question, and that I will find out an answer." Never had a problem doing that with Pressure Cleaning or with my sales job(construction supplies). I think most people respect you more if you tell them you don't know but you will find out an answer for them. Most of my customer responses are "OK just let me know what you find out".

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As a handyman, I get a lot of questions about a million different things. Often I know the answer to what is being asked but every now and then someone comes up with a new one.

Without fail, I tell them I don't know the answer, but I'll research it and get the answer. I have also turned down work because I don't know how to do what is being asked. While the customer is sure to be disappointed that I can't do the work, they are almost always impressed that I am honest enough to tell them that I "don't know how". Too many contractors try to BS their way through things and then get caught in the end. It’s hard to make a good name for yourself once people realize you’re full of crap. I have had many customers call me back to do other work, because I was up front with them in our first encounter.

Honesty is the best policy!!:lgangel:


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