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The power of a referall "Another Jeff Story"


You know I was thinking about how I got the job we did the other day at the golf course we did the concrete etc. The Golf Pro/GM told me that he called a Friend, who said theres a guy who does good work and he gave him a name of a neighborhood in which I did work for the HOA. The Pro said he asked the HOA prez if he could recommend/refer a good PW company and as the Pro told me, I came highly recommended, so thats why he called me

So I was thinking back on how I got the job in the neighborhood that referred me to this pro. Its a long list of people & companies that got me this last job at the course, I found it kind of interesting trying to look back and see how I got this job.

I always since I started PWing would ask my customers to please refer me to others and even now with larger commercial I ask them to refer me, I send them a letter thanking them for the job and please pass my name onto others. IT WORKS!!!!!!

Well hear goes "How I got the job at the golf course"

Its going to be another long Jeff post:rolleyes:

Approximately in early 2002 I did a house wash in my mothers neighborhood, small little house owned by a nice guy and as I was finishing he came out and we talked annd I asked him to please tell others about me

As I was loading up a SUV pulled up to talk to my customer, then the customer introduced me. The guy was the PM for the neighborhood, large PM company. He asked me if I was interested in a job, YES, He asked if I had a way of doing a job with no water hook ups, I said SURE, I didnt but I didnt tell him. They wanted a bid to clean the community mailbox areas the little structures and some small concrete pads. Gave him bid it was around $900, a pretty big job for me back then. I got the job and called Jim Carroll and Jim got me one of those square water totes 330 gallons. I did the job with a 3gpm direct drive and I toted the tank in the back of my pickup with the machine, the machine being direct drive I had to put it on the ground for gravity feed. Did the job, came out great and submitted invoice

I called the PM and thanked him for the work and asked him for more work and please pass my name on. I remember about this PM, the 1st time I met him, I thought he was kind of snotty/stuck up,but I still asked for more work

PM called and asked me for 2 bids on 2 neighborhood pool areas, got both jobs, decent money again, alot more than my house washes

Some time later, months later after I had called & written this PM a few more times asking for work I got another call from another PM with same company. He said Dan (PM) had refered me, this PM asked me for bids on 2 neighborhood pool areas, did the jobs and asked him for more work, a couple weeks later another referall from Dan to another PM in his company, I did 5, 5-story condos I did the stairs leading up all 5 floors

These 3 PM's I still work for on several projects alot of residential neighbor hoods and and some smaller condo complexes. Quite abit of $$$ over the few years now. I still call, write & fax them for work. I do about15 neighborhood pool & common area work for them along with all the residental people who see me working and ask for estimates and several small condos, Wild guess Id say IVe gotten around 150K - 175K of work directly from them since 2002

Alright now we are into 2003, again still doing work for these PM's. But havent heard from dan in many many months. I get call from 3 residentail customers who Dan refered them to me. These were very rich homes on a local river I did the homes and thanked them and asked for work. I call Dan & thank him, he says the rich neighborhood HOA prez liked how i cleaned his house now the want a price to do all neighborhood street signs. I do job

2004/2005 get a call from a lady PM and she wants price on 7 large huge very nice townhome buildins in the richest neighborhoods in this area. I mean RICH. I get the job and make a killing done in 6 days over 10K. I have also gotten 2 other jobs from her, over 4K & 6K and this PM has referred me to others

Then in late 2004, still doing working for these PM's and still getting a lot of residential referralls from the PM's & the homeowners. I get a call from another PM of this same large company and he asks me to look at a project, its common area concrete curbs, & sidewalks and common area signs, the job was over $4500 we cleaned all concrete & did rust removal took about 8 days, underestimated it pretty bad, but still did a great job and HOA was thrilled and they gave me a free ad in their newsletter and got several residential jobs. I have now done the concrete again at a higher price and will be doing it every year.

NOW THIS NEIGHBORHOOD is the one that just refered me to the Golf Pro. Now this Golf Pro is setting me up with the head of maintenance and he wants a price on all the wood bridges on 9 golf courses and Im sure I get much of the PWing work for the courses. This course is owned by a company that has several large condo towers in this area, some I bidding on right now from another large PM company. The Pro also told me he was going to write me up a letter thanking me and referring us to others, he also said he's submitting it to the right people in cooperate office, Totally cool guy and who knows where his referalls will lead

Ive done hundreds of jobs residential & commercial made big bucks from this one house wash I did in 2002. Im in with several PM's because of this house wash.......WHY??? because I asked them ALL to please pass my name on. I know this is just another Jeff story, but I just wanted to point out what 1 referall can lead to and if you just do good work and ask others to help you, like i say the skies the limit!!!!!!

The moral of this story "Ask and tho shall receive"

Its amazing what one little job can lead to, so when your out there and your packing up you equipment, make it a point to thank your customer and ask them to pass on your name to others, You just never know where its going to lead. Now go out & clean something!!!!!!!!!!:lgsideway



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Dagnabbit Jeff!

You are using up our monthly allotment of the letter "a"!!!


We thank you for sharing your experiences here because they illustrate the philosophies you title in each thread. This is inspirational for many and we look forward to your contributions.


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Dagnabbit Jeff!

You are using up our monthly allotment of the letter "a"!!!


Wh-t -re you trying to s-y AY, I t-lk/write too much AY. If you h-d insomni- you'd be writing - lot too. I guess I did use up -ll the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA's!


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I think you should be in charge of writing up the official "Thank you and please refer me" letter, for us to pass, or mail out to our customers.....We'll all get rich......I've been weighed down lately with a death in the family and a broken shoulder. I had to drive to Florida and back on very short notice. Man it was painful....Now I have lawyers and probate issues to deal with and loads of equipment and supplies that need to be picked up........I can't carry My ipod, let alone try to lug the 5's to my truck.....So I'm feeling sorry for myself.........Then I read Jeff's latest testimonial and see his thankfulness oozing out all over the place even though he never mentions it.......................Jeff, you have one helluva good attitude..............It's contagious.................Thanks and keep the posts coming.

Stephen Andrews




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Blown away as usual Jeff. You have a way with words. You do pretty good with words and no sleep.

Stephan Andrews...... Hang in there brother, don't forget that you can always carry a song in your heart if that ipod isn't handy. Always seems darkest before the dawn!!!

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I think you should be in charge of writing up the official "Thank you and please refer me" letter, for us to pass, or mail out to our customers.....We'll all get rich......I've been weighed down lately with a death in the family and a broken shoulder. I had to drive to Florida and back on very short notice. Man it was painful....Now I have lawyers and probate issues to deal with and loads of equipment and supplies that need to be picked up........I can't carry My ipod, let alone try to lug the 5's to my truck.....So I'm feeling sorry for myself.........Then I read Jeff's latest testimonial and see his thankfulness oozing out all over the place even though he never mentions it.......................Jeff, you have one helluva good attitude..............It's contagious.................Thanks and keep the posts coming.

Stephen Andrews




Man what happened to your shoulder, hope its healing OK, As my late (very missed) Dad used to say, everything always gets better!!! Good luck to you


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Yah, I went to Florida for my dad..........And I broke the shoulder while running the trails in my area..... A root or rock jumped up and tripped me good......SNAP.........

Stephen Andrews




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I feel your pain Stephan. I had total reconstruction of right shoulder. Detached biceps muscle, bone fragments, 4 set screws, 2 bolts and a band of material to re attach the muscle through the collar bone (re-routed). Took over a year for rehab and bill that exceeded 40 grand. That was three years ago and still feel the pain from time to time . Esp. after a good hard day of waving the wand. My physical terrorist got alot of overtime pay with me. I still get alot of pops and pings and always worry about the surgical work coming undone.

To this day I have never had any pain to compare to that incident that caused the seperation. It's still a little hard for me to go into crowded public places where you get bumped into alot. Plus I always set off alarms at the airport. But eventually it heals. You just never forget about that pain!!!!

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Adrian, I got sick to my stomach instantly. I had to walk about a mile out of the woods to get to my car. Then the pain would come in waves. And the spasms are the worst.......But my injury is nothing compared to your's. Man that must have hurt big time. No more bungee jumping for you....lol.....................YAZ

Stephen Andrews




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