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Every other year maintenance?


This is for penetrating oil-based stains, not filmers / solids....

Jarrod, Jim, Reed…I’m curious about the every other year programs you mentioned in an earlier thread. It’s obvious all three of you have a long list of repeat business so your programs must be cost-effective and make sense to your customers.

Jim, at 60%-70% for every other year maintenance (say on a $1,500 initial job) would you not see the deck for two years then completely redo clean and reseal at around one grand? (using the $1,500 example)

Jarrod, when doing EOY maintenance on a penetrating oil product what’s the difference in your strip vs wash?

Reed, I’d appreciate anything you could share about your every other year schedule. I realize now I need to firm up my maintenance pitch.

What, then, is the sales angle for getting 2, 3, or even 4 years out of a particular stain?

‘Young Grasshoppah’ standing by… :confused:

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Big Neil, just gonna jump in here uninvited. I guarantee my work for two years with an annual cleaning perfomed by PP inc. When i am don the deck and collecting money I schedule them for the following year right on my calendar. Conditions change and what have you but it is a good way to get commitment and plan your late spring.

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By all means, jump in. I hoped anyone with an opinion would chime in.

I'm your customer...so you're guaranteeing my deck for 2 years but need to come back next year and maintain it? Since you're guaranteeing 2 years you're not going to bill me for anything next year are you?

/customer out

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Two year guarantee with a maintenance cleaning (not included).... cleaning costs and following years of sealer coatings are all at reduced rates.

Cleaning is done for $.40 s/f.

The maintenance coats of stain are at regular rate but they save because a) no stripping b) reduced product cost due to not neding as much as on bare wood c) verticals are done only as needed.

I sell everything on a maintenace type of scheduling. It is the only way I can justify my costs to many customers. My average deck job this year has been $750 and by season end should be well over $1100 average. These are all new customers that need strip, pH balance, sanding, nail set and a good product laid down.

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Maintenance is the bread and the butter of this business. Once you book a new customer, stand on your head to keep them because repeat business will geometrically build your business. In our climate, wood treated with a good oil stain will nearly always need a cleaning and more oil put into the wood at the two year mark on horizontals and 3 to 4 years on vertical wood.

I personally do not guarantee anything except my labor cost, the best products possible and craftsmanship quality work. I never mention my company do a quick cleaning every year, but probably should. I tell them exactly what to do. Either they do, they don't, or call me. With some customers, I teach them how to maintain their wood and will provide them with stain. I'm probably an idiot!

But customers appreciate the approach. You are being honest, straightforward, and doing the best for their exterior wood. Most have neither the equipment, time, or inclination to do the work themselves.

Almost forgot. The sales angle for a 4 year stain is my favorite, a primer followed by a foul, disgusting acrylic made by Behr's, Cabots, and other shameless manufacturers. Just make sure to change your tele. # before the stuff starts peeling like a friggin' corpse skin floating in the water too long.

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