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Guest Danebob

How often?


Guest Danebob

Hi every one. Im sorta new at P/W. Accualy this is my first season. So my Q is...how aften does a house need washed. I'm speaking from NC area on the coast. Mold and milew is an issue hear. Our house is less than a year old w/ vinyl siding and is already growing mildew spots.

Any insight is appreciated. Thanks=)

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Hi every one. Im sorta new at P/W. Accualy this is my first season. So my Q is...how aften does a house need washed. I'm speaking from NC area on the coast. Mold and milew is an issue hear. Our house is less than a year old w/ vinyl siding and is already growing mildew spots.

Any insight is appreciated. Thanks=)

As often as it gets dirty. Could be anywhere from a couple months in a severe case, to every few years...Just depends on the house, the location, the weather, etc. Every case will be different.

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Annually, usually is what people in SC do it, you'll find a few that do it a couple times a year and then you'll find some that do it 13, 14, 15, 20 months. Then you'll get a call and the guy will ask you home much and he'll tell you it isnt bad at all and you get there and its covered in mold and hasnt been done in years, thats when I tell them how horrible it is and charge them good

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Conifer type trees planted within 20' of a house will cause mildew and algae to grow more readily due to the high pollen releases as they drop their needles. Once a year in the areas affected. North and east sides especially if sheltered by large tree growth and there is a high moisture condition in the area.


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