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How to close the doors?

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I will be closing down my business in about 3 months and am trying to start getting my ducks in a row for all the steps..

Focusing on my taxes for this qtr. right now. Deadline soon...

Don't fret... I will still love my xjet and my deckster... only in another state.

Can anyone inform me (loosely) on how to go out of business, following legal steps ect., covering all my bases.

I feel I have done pretty darn well in respect to the size of my operation, from start up to here. I have cut my teeth on some really cool projects over the past few years as well. So I will be bringing what I have learned about business and operations with me to my new location.

I just need a few pointers on making sure I leave this place completely behind me.

Any help is appreciated

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#1 mold capitol of the nation. Texas, it's my home state and will be based in Houston and starting up once again in this wonderful business. hoping to push decks and exterior cleaning much harder with the knowledge I have gained here in Ga. the past 3 years. It was only a temporary stay here to begin with. We knew we would only be here for a short while. That's why I started this business when I did to avoid working for the man for such a short stay. But 3 years was enough to learn how to run a business without sinking all my $$$ into marketing and sales.

When I get settled with a new house with area enough to store my helicopter and equipment, then I will re-start business with more attention to marketing and sales, since it will be more of a permanant location.

I just never took the time to learn how to CLOSE a business.

Maybe when I get situated, Shane can swap a few trade secrets on pushing the Deck side of things for me. I mean, really, I've done alright, aside from my usual whining and worrying. So I know I can do better in Tx with the old sink or swim attitude that has landed me in some pretty mammoth projects here.

Plus..... guys ... I have already recieved a few calls from inquiring on my customers list. That is in the plan as well as my commercial accts.

I am just not ready to sell or give my customer list away yet. I still have to make the notes til the end of the year. But yes, that is in the makes as well.

I just need some pointers on closing.

Thanks all.

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What type of business entity are you? Adrian as much as I respect the people here I would not fart around with advice from a message board. You could have long term tax implications or things that can bite you in the arse. Consult an attorney.

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Pls don't misunderstand. Not flying blind on this one.

I have state and property tax requirements covered for closing.

Business license simply needs to expire ( but notification must be delivered to county).

I already have the process for big brother (IRS).

I will be rebated on my insurance or just carry the name with proper address info and bus. name changes.

I'm just wondering if I have all my bases covered.

Didn't want to leave anything behind or out ( like my helper often does with my xjet) uuuuuugggggggghhhhhh!!!!! lol.

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