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Don't you wish you could be sarcastic?


A truck driver was driving along on the freeway. A sign comes up that reads "low bridge ahead." He tries to turn off but, before he knows it, the bridge is right there and he gets stuck under it. Cars are backed up for miles. Finally, a police car comes up. The cop gets out of his car and walks around to the truck driver, puts his hands on his hips and says, "Got stuck huh?" The truck driver says, "No, I was delivering this bridge and ran out of gas"

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A man gets pulled over for speeding, and not wanting to make any sudden moves, he justs sits there until the officer comes to the window.

The officer comes up and is frustrated that the man is just sitting there, doing nothing.

He knocks on the window, asks the guy what is taking you so long, get out your license and registration. The man begins to explain that he is not from around here and did not want to make any suspicious moves. The officer is not impressed and suddenly knocks the guy on the head with his baton. Shocked and scared the guy shuts up and just sits there, as the officer walks over to the passenger side of the vehicle.

He knocks on the window over there and the passenger roles his window down. Before the passenger can say a word, he gets bonked on the head with the baton. Very upset and vocal, he says what in the heck did you do that for? I didn't do anything. The officer replies that's for later. Not understanding, the passenger asks what do you mean for later??? The officer says oh believe me, if I did not do that, you would of gotten a mile down the road and told your buddy, I wish he would of tried that head knockin with me.

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If you enjoyed the story about the truck driver, you'll enjoy Bill Engvall. He's similar to Jeff Foxworthy, but he's been around longer. He's the originator of that story. It's a part of a series he does about stupid people. I love his stuff!

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