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Aren't we blessed


You know we discuss pressure washing, wood restoration, politics, the war, drugs, which one is better dems or republicans, we show family pictures, what we do for hobbies and we share our dreams with a lot of people we have met maybe a few times or never at all. These BB's are pretty darn good and yes God Bless America, because she is a great place to live

I discuss anything & everything with all you people and sometimes I wonder why, but at the end of the day or the end of a hard week, after a good day with my family or a bad day just because. I have someplace I can go and relax and relate. OHHHH Ya some of us drive the other one crazy and we argue, fight, laugh and have fun doing it. Yes we are tired at the end of the day but we can come her sitting at home relaxed and still be with Friends, YES I consider many/most or all here my friend and I havent even met most of you. I tell my wife about the ones that are just starting out like i was just a short few years ago, I telll her about the arguements over politics, I show her pictures of all the new babies ( Congrats Ryan our newest member is Ethan), pictures of some of the cool wood projects, ( love those wood pictures keep them coming) My wife used to get jealous a few years ago, but no more, she know its a good place for me to relax

I have a great life, more than I ever wanted or imagined I'd have, I love my family, I love my mother lives right next door, I love my biz, I love that my life is a great joy to me. Plus I get to share with more than a couple of my close freinds I get to share it with a lot of just basically good people here.

So when Im argueing my point about Bush or Clinton, God, Drugs, or just Xjetting Dawn on vinyl what ever it is, just remember your all a little part of my family and I love it.

I just wanted to say all that, I'm having a great night so far, I got my kids, my neice & nephew, my wife and mom, kids are screaming everywhere and jumping on my bed and I love it. Time for dinner and then some Shrek after, Oh ya we'll be making some cookies soon YAYYYYYYY

Thanks to these BB's and all you and I'm so glad we live in this crazy country we call America, where we can discuss all we do, I bet it doesnt happen in China or Iran. Did you hear what Bush said...............Only Kidding LOL

Have a great night everyone, have a great life


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Hey Jeff---I agree with ya but my wife likes to break my chops by telling me.."John get a life" LOL..I tend to take my laptop in bed while she is watching TV and I talk about how some guys want drugs on this bb legalize etc. and she says....SOOOOO what do you care?? and I say well it fun debating and chatting with these people around the world who have the same interest as I do..

To take this a step further when I go to the Conventions and head down to the blues part of town like we did in Memphis and hanging with people like myself..man I can't explain it..it was all FUN FUN FUN!!!

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I agree...you guys are a blast to know, and it is a real pleasure chatting with you all, no matter how wrong you are :D

God really has blessed us, our businesses and our country...

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I am glad that Jeff and many others can take everything in the perspective that people have. Yes, we do have different points of view but networking gives us another way of looking at things and lets us decide what we will do with it.

All is learning and yes...life is good because we have really cool people here.

Blessed? Me?? Nahh, I just have 2 cats that shed all over the place and make me sneeze. I love em but my sinuses don't. JK... all kidding aside, I hope I can consider those I have met along with those I have yet to meet a friend. A friend in itself is a blessing.

We do have a great group of people here on TGS and after meeting so many members at the RT's, I understand them better when I read their posts. We are all people living our lives and they intersect here on TGS.


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I am fairly new to this BB and the business. In fact, my business will not actually be open until April. But, I have been reading and learning alot. I have had a couple of off line conversations with people who did not know me from Adam. But, they were more than willing to offer advise and guidance. This is more like a family than anything else.

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I am fairly new to this BB and the business. In fact, my business will not actually be open until April. But, I have been reading and learning alot. I have had a couple of off line conversations with people who did not know me from Adam. But, they were more than willing to offer advise and guidance. This is more like a family than anything else.

Welcome to TGS its a great place as Im sure you already have an idea that it is a wealth of info, especially for a newbie like yourself.. Enjoy, it can be a fun, crazy and real informative place


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Yes I'm blessed. Here's our little Jessica she just started rolling over about a month ago, she's pretty happy with herself, us too

And thats my big guy Josh, The King......of the hill

Kids are great!!!



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This is really a great place to go. I consider you all friends of mine. Yes, even you crazy libs! LOL!

I have learned more here than any class or convention I have ever attended.

Thank you all for the posts.

Also, thanks for putting up with my sarcastic sense of "humor."

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