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A proud Papa's Soldier


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Hey Reed happy to hear your son is coming home soon.Let him know how proud we all are of the job those guys are doing over there.


It'll take a deer off it's feet at 400yards.bad little toy.

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Thanks all, We are very happy he is safe and sound. He had dealt very well with having had to take an Iraqi's life.

I have another pic of him holding one of Sadam's chromed AK-47's.

this indeed is a happy thanksgiving. though no venison yet, will hope to get one with my new blackpowder .50 Cal next week.


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I am very glad to hear that you're son is safe and healthy Reed. You know, where I live we have not been directly effected by the devastation of terrorism. Only as it relates to it's effects on the economy and still then it's more talked about than felt . No massive lay offs or cruise ships and planes stop coming here. I get in conversations here with people who feel that this war is pointless and your President is just on an ego trip or that it's really all over oil. I would just like for maybe a few of you to briefly state your opinions on this war, what it means to you, and how it has effected you. I'm not trying to offend anyone, just trying to get a better understanding other than what I hear on the news from the "experts".

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Some liberals in this country, and many in other countries, think that this war is about oil, power, and money. They think that President Bush sent all those troops into harm's way so that his corporate buddies could make millions off the war effort, rebuilding contracts, and cheaper oil. If you take the time to talk to those that feel this way, at least in this country, you'll find that many of them simply hate George Bush. They hate conservatism in general. They hate that George Bush is doing what is necessary, and that his actions are driven by what's good for the country, not what's good for him or his buddies. They don't just hate the war in Iraq, they hate everything GW does.

Going into Iraq is just one step in the war on terrorists. Whether there is a direct link between Saddam and 9/11 is questionable. It is without question that Saddam had direct links to terrorist organizations.

I just hope we don't stop with Iraq, but that we keep after these people until they're gone. President Bush was right...it will take a long time, but can we afford NOT to stop those who wish to kill all of us?

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Thats a loaded question if there ever was one. Side stepping that question I will say this-Everybody in this country whether they support the war or not should always support 100% our troops. Its because of them which makes this country so great to live in. Not the Republicans, Democrats,Independents.....ITS BECAUSE OF THE TROOPS!!

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My wife's biz stopped the day afer 9/11 (graphic design for the trade show industry). It 's just starting to come back now in little pieces.

What we did (US) or what Bush has done I think is correct. 9/ll was a wake up call for us to take action. To weed out terror before it gets to our land. The problem (Iraq) has become a public relation nightmare. No weapons of mass destruction, troops being killed, the media only showing the bad, Bushes buddies lining up to pad their pockets . People over in the middle east hated us before because of our history and polices. Now It's the world............

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The liberation of the Iraqi people was a bold decision made by our government to stop the Saddam madness taking place. To put a halt to torture and genecide of innocent Iragi's. To put a damper into terrorist supporting countries and their dictators. To help stop the funding for terrorist groups. We took a bold stance and dared others to come along. France and Germany, which we knew all along, were not going to help, they were benefitting monetarily from Saddam. Well WAKE UP France, we know all about your dealings with Saddam and this was one of the facts used in dealing with Saddam.

Did we need to do this? Your damn right we did. Now was the time to act inorder not to witness 9/11 elsewhere in this GREAT Country of ours. And we needed to do this NOW in order for other countries not to have to deal with what we did.

GW did not do this in order to profit big business, he did it in order for the free world to benefit from removing a MADMAN.

My 2 cents worth.


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