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I love this biz


Yesterday was our beginning of getting real busy. The pollen is over and we started our 1st of many condo complexes, many many more to do and we are basically booked up to August,YAY with more work coming in every week YAY. I love this biz.

People wonder if they can make $$$ doing condos, ecause its competitive and you cant get residential prices, let me brag a little. I love this biz Yesterday I had 3 guys start 10 easy 2 story building and right across the street we have 14 other 1 story duplex style buildings to do. 2 of my guys and a new guy. Had the new guy go with one of my guys and start to clean out the gutters, one washing and then the 2nd washing after he showed the new guy how to clean gutters.

My guys cleaned 8 out of the 10 buildings in 11 hours which includes 80 minutes of travel time. They got all gutters cleaned on all 10 and the gutters across the street they did 9 buildings gutters. I love this biz

I'm going to give you my pricing, some will think my pricing might be low, but I tell you its within the price range of most PWers in the areas and after you see the toatl for the day, I think you'll see it isnt low

Now this is with 2 guys cleaning buildings approx 18 man hours not counting travel & breaks

8 2 story buildings cleaned 8 X $275 = $2200

10 buildings gutters 10 X $70 each = $700

9 buildings gutters 9 X $65.00 = $585.00

Now these gutter prices may seem low but we do them 2 times a year and 80% of the gutters really never have hardly anything in them. All of them we can walk the roofs and do a building in 5-15 minutes tops. I love this biz

SO OUR 1ST DAY we did well for a grand total of $3485.00 Tell me I dont love this biz!!!!!

I post this stuff to maybe brag a little( because I get excited) but to help some of you all see how I do it and make good profit. Not every day is like yesterday but many are or close to it.

This is a great biz and if you get your pricing right and work the biz its can only get better

Have a great one everybody, look like we are going to get rained out today which is OK setting up the new machine today

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I love the excitement of the beginning of the season. It is inspirational. You feel like you can accomplish so much! (an you can, of course!)

Here's to a great 2007! :cup:


I hear you!!! I was down a total $12,000 for Jan, feb & March compared to last year. I think this year is going to be a crazy one. plus i just got a job from a PM company Ive been targetting for over 3 years, I love when i get that foot in the door!!!!! YAY

Good luck to you and all

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Rainy days have their uses. I do maintenance and other to-do's that have been on the back burner otherwise. Sort of like a catch up day.

Crews are out washing today while I get ready for the log home project next week.

Yes, business is good and like you, we enjoy it.


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That is great news. Your example of the daily "take" is enlightening. Us poor woodies never have a day like that! Man, you almost make me waht to be a pressure washer!

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, and your growth is no fluke. You said:

This is a great biz and if you get your pricing right and work the biz its can only get better

Takes time and effort but there is a lesson for new and old contractors alike. "Workin' the biz" should be a mantra.

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I find it is helpful to have a few fun projects that you find motivational and rewarding to help spur you forward. (ok you can also use large projects) Rick, you breathed life in to a wonderful web site - that is a great example. Getting a spring mailer out the door - another example. Any time a project feels positive and is productive it helps you to accomplish goals and the motivated feeling is great.

Just thought I would share that. It's like Rick said, it's a kind of mantra.


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