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What do you feel helps make your business successful?

Me, I know we do good quaity work but many can do good work. I think along with quality work, the one thing that has most helped my biz is that we are reliable. I see and hear all the time whether its in conversation with homeowners, property managers or just in my personal observations that there is a major problem with good consistant service.

I'm not a great office person, I may not be a great saleman, I may not be the greatest PWer but I always strive to be reliable, no matter what i have to do. I know being reliable has helped my biz grow. I've had PM's tell me so

What do you think reliabilty means?

Me I think always being timely with everything we do, estimates, returning phone calls, starting a project when you say you will, finishing a project to the customers satifaction and if there are little problems fixing them ASAP

Whether you are real busy doing PWing or or you are slow or do it part time, do you consider your company reliable and is there ways to improve.

Im not great office guy or computer guy like I said, so what i do so I dont forget things is I have my schedule book (It goes everywhere with me) If I'm not carrying my black book, my guys will ask me where it is, my wife , my mother, hell that book is like a 3rd arm. In my book I have a meduim size not pad. I put a date on it when i 1st write in it. EVERYTHING get written in there and if for some reason I cant get to it, I as soon as I get to it I add info to it from any calls or a list of things I need to do. I write notes at my desk, i transfer it to my book. When that book gets filled I put an end date on it so i can go back to it. My book may look like a mess of writting, but It keeps me reliable

What are some things that you think could help others be reliable or help grow yours or others biz?

What do you think is most important to have a successful biz?

4:37 am just needed a break from house cleaning & office work


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You have let the proverbial cat out of the bag. Hope your local competition does not read this thread and follow your advice.

I cannot count the times I have heard, "Thank you for returning my phone call". Or when you show up for an estimate on time, "The other company never showed up when they said they would".

I strive to return requests for estimates, informational questions, etc. in emails or phone calls immediately if possible or certainly within 24 hours. If I am running 15 minutes late for an estimate, I call. Every job is contacted one to two days before starting the work, just to confirm and reassure the customer.

Typical residential contractors are their own worst enemy. Many seem to have and project an attitude that they are doing the customer a favor, and are renegade individualists that only work on their own terms . Nothing could be further from the truth.

I want to talk to my customers, get to know them as people and let them get to know me and my company. I want to retain them as customers, servicing their exterior wood periodically. I want them to remember Windsor WoodCare, and pass the good word along to friends and family. This is the basis of referrals which is the cornerstone of my business. And reliability in communications and showing up on time is a big part of establishing that relationship with customers.

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I think reliability is certainly a key issue. It is important in every market and I think a major issue with PM's. If I manage many properties and I call someone to clean a pool deck for a HOA that is opening the pool in 7 days and you don't show up, there probably won't be any more phone calls. People have enough problems these days and even if you are very good at what you do it don't mean squat if you don't show up.

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