Yes, May and April was cold ,very windy and rainy . I just stopped 4 ipe jobs not worth the trouble . Now in August ,I already had jobs not drying more because of the condensation forming in the morning . I ran heaters and fans to increase drying which did help but not worth the extra time and expense .
It takes a certain personality to stay in the wood business. In April I had enough wood work for 5 employes by May I was down to 3 includes me and stayed there . Good thing I do a lot of washing . I have a load of wood work to do and it keeps coming but I have never had an august where you have to wait till 10/ 11:00 to oil . I have a garappa sunroom floor to do and yesterday after 3 days it was still damp( ran heaters to dry).
Enough complaining ......sometimes it's not worth being an expert though ?