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Showing most liked content on 09/29/2017 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Able Hood

    House Washing

    Hi All, I had a few questions for you wood guys since I am a hood cleaner. I want to PW my house and deck and need a little assistance. The house is cedar shingles and the deck is PT. I was planning on using sodium precarb, pressure washing then neutralizing. Can you soft wash effectively with Sodium precarb or will I have to lean on it? Should I use Oxalic or Citric acid to neturalize? What is a good neutralizing mixture for Sodium precarb? I know its not as Alkaline as the Sodium Hydroxide I use for the hoods. Any info would be helpful!! Thanks!!
  2. 1 point
    Bergman Pressure Cleaning


    I do my own, with no training, just guesswork, nbased on what I see, plus what I learned at Chris Tucker's RCIA and RCIA.ORG To see my results, look up BERGMAN ROOF CLEANING ans add my local towns, counties or zip codes, like BERGMAN ROOF CLEANING PORT CHARLOTTE - or BERGMAN ROOF CLEANING CHARLOTTE COUNTY, OR ROOF CLEANING CHARLOTTE COUNTY-Or 33981 or 34224 or Pressure Washing the same. Here is PRESSURE WASHING CHARLOTTE COUNTY- https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4PLXB_enUS731US731&q=pressure+washing+charlotte+county