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Status Updates posted by RPetry

  1. Beth,

    Yeah, its the one place where a clear stain makes sense. Certainly no place for hobbits, more appropriate for giants.

    Getting old stinks. Have not been able to hear for years, now I can't see!

  2. Beth,

    I do not like thunder, lightening, and pouring rain. Not condusive to exterior wood care.

  3. Same to both you and Rod. Gotta' load the truck, tough strip of cedar this morning.

  4. Peirce, Mark, and I want a tee time at Pebble Beach this November. You can throw in Scott if needed, he's a bit of a R/S naysayer 'cause they don't let him sell it. 5 strokes a 9 and I'll whoop him.

  5. I double posted. Judy refuses to talk to me and my dogs are growling.

    It is early August. Tee times must be available. Next year it's Augusta. Don't let us down.

  6. Hey Adrian,

    A wonderful Christmas to you and yours. Best wishes on your equipment venture. That thing looks to be a potential winner, especially if fitted out with a natural bristle brush!

  7. Beth,

    Thanks for the lead, ie: Debbie Weinberger in North Jersey. Returned the call to her cell phone messaging service.

