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Status Updates posted by copgib

  1. Mike how have you been? How is business? It is alittle slow here. Email me sometime at Copgib@earthlink.net

    Take care! Hugh Gibson

  2. Hi Ron, how is your weather? Getting cooler here in Florida. Hope all is well with you! Hugh Gibson

  3. Rod & Beth, I don't know whether you remember me from years ago but I am Hugh Gibson (copgib) owner of Gibson's Power Wash Wagon, Inc. out of Williston Florida. I have been in business about 17-years and have a question for you. All of these years I have been making do with regular wand and tips to reach any 3-story buildings I am cleaning. But as I get older I am in need of a telescopic pressure wand to make it easier on my back. Could you recommend where I could get a good commercial telescopic (24ft) wand at? Sorry to bother you two, but I remember when I started my business you folks were there also. There are a lot of companies out there selling cheap stuff so I need to find one that sells good professional items. Thanks you for you time. Hugh Gibson owner Gibson's Power wash Wagon, Inc.

  4. Are you interested in going to lunch one day next week? Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday? Hugh

  5. Been somewhat busy, and my golfin seems to be getting worse instead of better. Hugh

  6. What have you been up too lately? I haven't heard from you in awhile. Drop me a email sometime. Copgib@earthlink.net Take care! Hugh
