Hi everyone.
I have heard this term from many different people and it would seem that we all have a different perspective on what constitutes a 'Professional'
Websters defines professional in the following pertinant sections: 1.of, engaged in, or worthy of the high standards of, a profession.
5. engaged in a specified occupation for pay or as a means of livelihood [a professional writer]
Pro is defined as 3. a person who does something with great skill.
Professionalism is defines as 1. professional quality, status, etc.
By the simplest of terms, we are all professionals by the definitions listed above.
Although ambiguously, people refer to others as not being professional for the way we speak or act and I would have to suppose that they are going by unspoken or unwritten standards of which have not yet been discussed. Could this be a form of etiquette?
Etiquette 1. the forms, manners, and ceremonies established by convention as acceptable or required in social relations, in a profession, or in official life. 2. the rules for such forms, manners, and ceremonies -syn see DECORUM
Decorum 1. whatever is suitable or proper; propriety; fitness 2. propriety and good taste in behavior, speech, dress, etc. 3. an act or requirement of polite behavior: often use in pl.
Given all this and used as a basis for further discussion...How do we go about defining professional(ism) in our field and developing the etiquette to be applied? This could be a pivotal area for our industry to develop standards of conduct that could be applied throughout contracting...please share your opinions and facts.