If you don't have one already, you need a disclaimer on your literature: Results in color may vary due to wood age, species and condition.
We have had a couple of customers, one in specific that we did a test patch of different colors and they chose the one they liked. We applied it and told them we were going to do the whole side of the house today. They were happy and said great, cant wait. Later that evening we got a phone call and they couldn't stand the color saying it looked to plastic and unnatural and complained that we should have only done a small area and let them look at it before proceeding...???
I reminded them that we told them what we were doing, they approved it and now they are blaming us for the result?
Well, they ended up footing the bill to remove it all and have an alternate installed.
Some people are not very good at envisioning what they want and those can be the most difficult to please even though you do everything right, they find that no matter how many lengthy conversations you have and test patches are done, the result is not what they either expect or are looking for.