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Beth n Rod

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Everything posted by Beth n Rod

  1. Deck - Bryans Road, MD 20616 Deck wash and seal, and rail replacement. PM me for contact info. Beth
  2. Espec - Greatest American Dog

    The skateboarding dog gets my vote!!!! That is one cool canine! Beth
  3. Don't you hate that? We hate it when the tiny little cloud appears right over your job...and the forecast was clear.

  4. Pics of deck restoration to begin soon

    Looks good. Nice application! How easily did it go on? Beth
  5. If you don't have one already, you need a disclaimer on your literature: Results in color may vary due to wood age, species and condition. We have had a couple of customers, one in specific that we did a test patch of different colors and they chose the one they liked. We applied it and told them we were going to do the whole side of the house today. They were happy and said great, cant wait. Later that evening we got a phone call and they couldn't stand the color saying it looked to plastic and unnatural and complained that we should have only done a small area and let them look at it before proceeding...??? I reminded them that we told them what we were doing, they approved it and now they are blaming us for the result? Well, they ended up footing the bill to remove it all and have an alternate installed. Some people are not very good at envisioning what they want and those can be the most difficult to please even though you do everything right, they find that no matter how many lengthy conversations you have and test patches are done, the result is not what they either expect or are looking for. Rod!~
  6. Hi Rich! Hope all is well with you. :)

  7. Bump! It's hot, it's summer...read and be safe. Beth
  8. Yard Signs - Shaped Like An APPLE !!!!!!

    You've see the fridge magnets shaped like apples...right? Beth
  9. New PW Org Poll

    Bump.... Beth
  10. Is one employee worth it?

    Another good read!!! Beth
  11. Final advice on stain for ipe

    Have you got the Amaretto yet? I don't but understood I was supposed to get some.... Beth
  12. Final advice on stain for ipe

    If it were my deck I apply the wood tux. Deck Stains Cleaners Sealers Staining Decks Wood Decking Sealing Concrete Paver Restoration Beth
  13. Not sure I know how to do that (I have not looked at that map in over a year), but I know it is something you can do yourself. :)


  14. Dormer Windows

    Clean streaks....chemical streaks....yes streaks can happen. Keep the water flowing on the roof while you work, and one you will avoid, but not the other. Beth
  15. Interesting.....thanks!!! I can see them with use of some finishes, but on others I would worry about uneven bristle marks. Do you have any suggestions on which finishes they are best with? Beth
  16. Believe it or not, most of it is done for the sole purpose of lowering the VOC content. Rod!~
  17. LIVE audio video and text chat tonight anytime

    You should do it. I have always seen the chat host act as Mod...that's how I have seen it done in the past. :) Beth
  18. No other reason I can see.... and... I agree. Beth :cup:
  19. Pics of deck restoration to begin soon

    Looks good!! You did it! :) Beth
  20. Inhaled Sodium Hydroxide fumes?

    You are a bad influence, you know that? Beth
  21. Inhaled Sodium Hydroxide fumes?

    Had a Doctor disbelieve Rod once. Two days later I had him to another Dr. who LISTENED and treated him correctly. You know what you were exposed to. It's good you are on antibiotics. The respiratory burns can cause infection and fever to say the least. Make sure you get the correct respirator, and use it. Change the cartridges frequently. Get well soon! Beth
  22. I can understand the confusion, I had it too at first. A carrier is the suspension solution that composes the formulation. This is a fine line in some terminology which is important to understand. Water in this case forms the basis of the formula from which the other ingredients are added to. A solvent is the ingredient which keeps the formulation in suspension. Water in this example is for the purpose of keeping the others from curing, setting up, hardening etc. but is a constituent of the ingredients to be added to the formula. In this case, an alcohol is usually the suspension solution. Since alcohols are known to evaporate quickly, the water is used to keep everything stable (hence the term 'solvent' ) until applied to the surface intended instead of the surprise of opening up a container to find everything in it unusable. With an oil, you have opened up another can or worms entirely. Water and oil don't mix readily but with a certain combination of ingredients you develop an equilibrium in which the two can coexist without the ill effects they can have with one another such as separation and oil sheen. Admittedly, at this point, my knowledge becomes stretched as I am not a chemist. But I hope I have done enough to thoroughly confuse you to the point of reaching for another Heineken and sitting back to contemplate the meaning of life instead. :cheers: Rod!~