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mike movila

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mike movila last won the day on September 18 2019

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About mike movila

  • Rank
    TGS Newbie
  • Birthday 01/28/1969

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  • Interests
  • Location
    Union Mo
  • Gender
  • Company Name
    pro clean power washing
  • First & Last Name
    mike movila
  • City & State
    union mo
  • Occupation

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  1. Gutters

    Yes Sir F13 Gutter Butter they all yield different results based on the gutters manufacturers and the age of the gutters. You have to be careful with the paint and surface and keep it wet all times
  2. Christmas Cards

    I have done this when I started out now I do not do it anymore Mike
  3. Sometimes...

    Looking good John
  4. Lessons Learned in 2018

    Wow those are some wonderful lessons could not agree with you guys more. As far far guarantees I do not offer because As Rod implied there are those customers who will never be satisfied no matter how hard you try to please them. I always vouch to do the best job possible and yield the best results. I wish every one a prosperous 2019. Happy Spraying Mike
  5. Lessons Learned in 2018

    I am curious to learn what lessons you learned in 2018 and what things you would do differently to increase your business output. And how would you rate 2018 a success or not so much. Mike Movila
  6. I received a call today from a potential customer who informed me that he used Super Deck oil base stain to stain his deck from Sherwin Williams. He told me he power washed the deck and stained it with Super Deck and it turned black. After that he asked some one to strip the deck and he stained it again with the same product. I asked the potential customer how the striping was done. He told me it was stripped then it was brighten with oxilic acid. After the second staining was done the deck turn black again. The only thought that comes to mind would be that the wood moisture was too high or striping was improper. I do not have any picutures yet as I have not been to see to the deck yet. Any thought Rod or any one else would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. MIke Movila
  7. There is definitely a lot information you put out there. One piece of advice I can give you is patience. Just starting out you take the work you can get. Do quality work be ethical and follow through with all your promises and good things will follow. As you become more experienced and people tell other people about your services you will get more business. Develop networks of people that need cleaning done Realestate agents management groups that manage properties those should be the people you should be targeting I started slow ten years ago now I work for people that manage one hundred seventy commercial properties and I have plenty of work and turn some away Things do not take place overnights again patience is virtue Best of luck to you
  8. Sounds good Rod I hope your team wins the Stanley Cup
  9. Closing Bids percentage for 2017

    Troy I believe all of us have done work way cheaper that we should however as you progress and make adjustments
  10. I was just thinking the other day and asking myself how long I wanted to be cleaning since I am approaching 50. I would like to hear from those folks who are a lot older than me and see their thoughts
  11. Thank you Rod I was afraid of that I appreciated it Mike
  12. I am restoring a cedar pool deck for a customer previously they used TWP and were not happy due to clorine water damaging the finish in less than three months any recommendations for a stain that would be more durable would be welcomed. I am thinking most likely a salad stain thank you Mike
  13. Late Start

    Is everyone experiencing cold temperatures in April this year. We have many jobs lined up only able to complete two. Today is April second and temperature today is 27 degrees the rest of the month does not look very encouraging