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John T

How about TGS becoming a new org??

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Charge everybody here $50 dollars that should be used to build up this bb into an Org. maybe out of the $50 membership fee $20 0f it gets earmarked for a yearly get together and even quarterly get togethers. So if we can get 200 members fast that leaves $6000 for this bb to keep running and also add some more benny's thru this bb such as online testing that can be certified for approval by committee teams. The other $4000 can be spread around the county to 4 different sites so roundtables can be held or just leave the money to put towards a one year convention along with the price to attend this convention..

Just thinking outside the box, THis BB would be a very valuable tool to be linked in with its own org or a new org that can be sprung up soon....hmmmm think about that.

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John, you flipped out again????????? 50.00 bucks won’t buy everyone a white castle much less 20.

If you are running one of these and your going to pay a manager to organize have events and keep track and manage the data. It will cost more than 200 per person and that bare bones.

I belong to organizations and not charity orgs. My annual dues are 1000, my events are when participating cost 250.00 per person along with my check book in hand.

I will not join an organization that will just be soliciting money to pay distributor advertising.

If tgs turns into and org that is web based completely then I would join for 50.00. if the intention long term is to expand to conventions and meetings I would join if the fee was 400 or 500 hundred to start and the intentions were to have a national convention and local chapters.

The only way its going to happen is with the proper funding.

People need to paid to work on the org and make it strong. Free doesn’t work!!!!!

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Some of the best org's (the ones that are not advertised or have websites) cost up to $10,000 and over per year. This is where the big dog's swim.

I have a solution for the org's that will overcome price objections as well as the skepticism of joining while still putting some dollars into the org's cash flow. I'll reveal at ACR.

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I pay by frequenting the paid sponsors. Just like I buy from Bob to help support his board. (Im assuming the sponsors pay enough to cover the costs of the board.) Im sure Beth doesnt get much monitarily for her time and effort except the everlasting gratitude of the people like me who learn so much from coming here. I do hope she knows how much we appreciate her!

But that being said, if asked I would join for a modest cost. It would be worth it if that were the only way.

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