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John T

Everett Abrams PWN President has Resigned effective immediately!!!


I just found out that Everett Abrams has resigned as the PWNA President!! I'm also hearing that he sold or gave up any Powerwashing related businesses that he owns.

My info is coming from at least 5 reliable sources. I'm sure there is going to be alot more info about this soon. As of right now there is some things that I can say but I'm going to wait to see what comes out first.

AT the very least I wish Everett well in his future endeavors.

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Oh no, not another PWNA saga. Its some news thou. You going to run for the position?

John I hope you comforted Hillary the other day when she cried. Tell the truth, what did you do, take her back to the hotel and make her smile

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Oh no, not another PWNA saga. Its some news thou. You going to run for the position?

John I hope you comforted Hillary the other day when she cried. Tell the truth, what did you do, take her back to the hotel and make her smile

Just keeping so many others abreast about organization info which is like hobby/passion of mine.

As your your girl Hillary I heard when she started balling her eyes out wasn't because of that question asked to her by an Obama loyalist..it was the fact that she was looking at her husband Bill chasing another fat intern.LOL

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I just found out that Everett Abrams has resigned as the PWNA President!! I'm also hearing that he sold or gave up any Powerwashing related businesses that he owns.

My info is coming from at least 5 reliable sources. I'm sure there is going to be alot more info about this soon. As of right now there is some things that I can say but I'm going to wait to see what comes out first.

AT the very least I wish Everett well in his future endeavors.

EA resigned and is in good health and his busz is doing fine. He did not sell is farm either, i heard that from another bad source.

I talked with him about 20 minutes ago, I wish him well and admired his courage to make the changes and the advancement of the industry.

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Heard he already resigned and turned in the letter of resignation. Doesn't look like it has been announced on the PWNA site yet. I'm sure they will have a BOD call to discuss what they need to do, since they now have 3 vacancies on the Executive BOD.

It's also the time of year that elections are normally held, so we'll see if a ballot comes out of this or not.


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