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For all you Bush haters


Subject: Taxes under Clinton 1999 Taxes under Bush 2008
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Taxes under Clinton 1999 ------------
Taxes under Bush 2008

Single making 30K - tax $8,400 - Single making 30K - tax $4,500

Single making 50K - tax $14,000- Single making 50K - tax $12,500

Single making 75K - tax $23,250- Single making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 60K - tax $16,800- Married making 60K- tax $9,000

Married making 75K - tax $21,000- Married making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 125K - tax $38,750- Married making 125K - tax $31,250

If you want to know just how effective the mainstream media is, it is amazing how many people that fall
into the categories above think Bush is screwing them and Bill Clinton was the greatest President ever.

If any democrat is elected, ALL of them say they will repeal the Bush tax cuts and a good portion of the people that fall into the categories above can't wait for it to happen. This is like the movie "The Sting" with Paul Newman; you scam somebody out of their money and they don't even know what happened

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Ok Mike, but close enough. Its the left wing media FOX News where I heard there was a recession Bushes 1st year

What ever anyone wants to call it, I hope it turns around sooner than later, its one of the worst slow downs I have seen. I am doing fine, but many arent.

How old the baby now?

Josh will be 5 in April and the baby Jessica is 19 months and a total terror, but a beautiful one. hope you are enjoying fatherhood...I know you are!!!


He's 2 1/2 today. Time flies!

You know I really dont think everyone wants socialized medicine, but we need a much better system, I think is what most would agree on. We cant have millions of children without health care. We cant have the bottom rung of people that work 40-80 hours a week and cant ever go to a doctor because they cant afford it. People need doctors and medicine even poorer people. Now scum bags, losers, drug addict, people who just try to live off the system, screw them!!!. What do we do about hard working people & children.

Why cant our country negotiate with drug companies and every other country can, thats a scam.

Im not trying to argue on this, its just what do we do, let people die or justsay sorry you cant afford it, you cant have it

Most "bottom of the rung" people I know are there because they're lucky if they put in 40 hours, and most have never even considered an 80 hour workweek.

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He's 2 1/2 today. Time flies!

Most "bottom of the rung" people I know are there because they're lucky if they put in 40 hours, and most have never even considered an 80 hour workweek.

I believe Mike hit this one dead on. If someone is at the bottom, it's up to that individual to get motivated enough to move up. We live in a country full of opportunities. It's up to one's self to take advantage of them or just be like the others, and sit back and watch. No one said it was going to be easy.

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I believe Mike hit this one dead on. If someone is at the bottom, it's up to that individual to get motivated enough to move up. We live in a country full of opportunities. It's up to one's self to take advantage of them or just be like the others, and sit back and watch. No one said it was going to be easy.

Theres million at or near the bottom, say hypothetically all of them get motivated and move up, what are we going to do to fill those jobs and then when we do fill those bottom level jobs what do we tell them, move up, until you do, you get no health care OH Well

Its ridiculous to think everyone can move up. Hell theres families that are no where near the bottom and a couple major illnesses can crush them financially

I know some VERY hard working people that on the bottom level, grown men & women, they are from this area born in rural areas and came here for work, they aren't very educated but could kick most of our as*ses when it comes to hard work and many are actually very smart at what they do, but not educated. some have no health care and i feel its wrong

There will ALWAY be millions of people, most hardworking too that will be on the bottom level. Since they will always be there, what do we tell them????

I know we cant insure everybody now, but DA*mit we should be able to take care of the children of America

Don't tell me it couldn't happen to anyone, you, the only bread winner gets in a bad accident, your wife gets a bad health issue, theres no money coming in, but you own a nice little house, mortgage is no more than rent would be some where else. Now you have NO REAL money, your health care company dumped you or your company lets you go, so you no longer have health care. NOW your child gets sick and you cant get the TRUE proper treatment WHAT DO YOU DO? Tell your kid to get motivated and tell them life isn't easy, as they are possibly dieing.

This is hypothetical yes..But you know something, this happens to people many people. and dont think charities & churches are going to help them all, because they obviously aren't helping them all now. Hell half the charities are begging for money & help

We do live in a country with great opportunities but we also live in the real world. Something has to be done at least for the children

Sorry I get worked up, this isn't republican vs democratic, this is the way my heart feels.

I don't run my kids to the doctor for every little illness, we usually take care of them at home, but thank god I do have health insurance when I need it.

My son is RIGHT NOW at the doctors I'm waiting to hear from my wife. True story happening now, nothing major. He has been peeing a ton, sometimes several times an hour for the past few days and its gotten more last night ad this morning, so he's at the doctors, What if I didn't have health insurance, theres many kids the parent would try to wait it out, what if its something serous. I know i would feel horrible waiting or not taking my child, most anyone would. How about when my son needed his tonsil and adnoids out and ear tubes, he was having problems and he was having real problem hearing. There are some that cant help there children BECAUSE of MONEY & NO HEALTH CARE,, its WRONG , no matter how you all look at it

update... well it looks like its nothing with my boy. They did a couple test they were ok and they sent out a culture. doc doesnt think its anything and will pass

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