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Need Help With Mix


I am currently using Simple Cherry, SH, and a little jet dry for good measures as a housewash mix. I downstream it on and achieve good results. I feel like I could get better results with a new soap. I just don't like how the simple cherry doesn't foam much. I would love some advice on better chems and where to get them. Has anyone used the Classic Brown from delco?

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I'm not a chemist of any kind, but maybe the Jet Dry is affecting the soaping quality of the Simple Cherry. Maybe because it's a rinse aid, I don't know. I don't don't use Simple Cherry so I don't know it's "soaping up" up quality. That was just the first thing I thought of and you could maybe try easy enough.


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When we use the SC, it foams big time!

Whats your mix and GPM?

We use Bob's formula

Downstreaming: 3.5 gallons of 12.5% chlorine, 1.5 gallons water & (2) 8oz scoops of Simple Cherry.

Edited by David O'Connell Jr.

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I would be looking at your downstreamer. Assuming you are using 12.5? Downstreamers come in different sizes, 1.8, 2.1 and 2.3. (I use a 2.1 on my 8 gpm machine because the 2.3, which is rated for 8 gpm, does not draw as well.)

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Add a high quality car wash (one with wax) to your mix. The windows come out nicer and the wax in the wash adds some tone and life to siding. My mix calls for 20 oz in a fiver for downstreaming. Adds about $1.50 to the cost of the housewash if you use something like Meguire's Gold.

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  OllieOhNine said:
I am currently using Simple Cherry, SH, and a little jet dry for good measures as a housewash mix. I downstream it on and achieve good results. I feel like I could get better results with a new soap. I just don't like how the simple cherry doesn't foam much. I would love some advice on better chems and where to get them. Has anyone used the Classic Brown from delco?

What do you mean by better results? Are the surfaces not cleaning adequately?

Are you using fresh 12.5% S.H.? Dwell time?

As someone else stated, is your down streamer properly sized for your application?

I'm very happy with the performance of Simple Cherry. Just enough suds to make it stick, less rinsing = faster wash times = more $ in your pocket!

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  PressurePros said:
Add a high quality car wash (one with wax) to your mix. The windows come out nicer and the wax in the wash adds some tone and life to siding. My mix calls for 20 oz in a fiver for downstreaming. Adds about $1.50 to the cost of the housewash if you use something like Meguire's Gold.

Ken are you using this in conjunction w/ Simple Cherry?

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  OllieOhNine said:
I am currently using Simple Cherry, SH, and a little jet dry for good measures as a housewash mix. I downstream it on and achieve good results. I feel like I could get better results with a new soap. I just don't like how the simple cherry doesn't foam much. I would love some advice on better chems and where to get them. Has anyone used the Classic Brown from delco?

Try adding some dish soap instead of the Jet Dry. You will get the foaming you want as well no spotting of the windows.


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I have a 2.3 GPM machine drawing .5 GPM through the DS injector. I just feel like the chemical is not "stuck" on the siding as much as it is dripping. Maybe I did not measure the SC as precise as I should have since I forgot to bring my measuring cup the past couple washes. Keep in mind I am an extreme beginner and I am not undercutting you guys, I am actually on the pricy side if anything. I am trying to take this business very seriously as I can tell you all do. Does my mix NEED TSP to be more effective? And what can I do to loosen oxidation if possible wthout scrubbing(any chemicals?)

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TSP could get you in trouble..as you may know it really really cleans and but it also really really can etch a paint job to prepare it for new coating. Can also leave nice film on wndows..

Listen to Ken..nothing better than using something made to not harm a finish or wax job yet still clean and rinse well..

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SC foams just fine for me with x jet. But your mix needs more SH than one gal in a 5er, way more for DS. I use 3gal SH, 2gal h2O with about 10oz of SC and jet dry w/ x jet. Just keep the plants watered before during and after. I like the x jet for this, you can turn off the chems and water the area.

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When you go to rinse sc, there is plenty of foam. Why the fixation on foam anyways? Lots of soaps have been engineered to not have foam, i.e. imagine what a laundry machine would be like if your laundry detergent foamed? It would be everywhere!

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  plainpainter said:
When you go to rinse sc, there is plenty of foam. Why the fixation on foam anyways? Lots of soaps have been engineered to not have foam, i.e. imagine what a laundry machine would be like if your laundry detergent foamed? It would be everywhere!

Exactly. You ever see a dishwasher when you put Dawn in it? That's always a great prank at the firehouse.

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  CWheeler said:
Rob i downstream with great results. Dwell time can vary depending on how dirty and whether or not it is in direct sun.

Yea this answer for me will come with experiance on different jobs I suppose..

How does this mix do on the gutters, obviously gutters are a PITA but figured this should get them somewhat white again?

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As far as the gutters it will remove some mildew and mold. To remove black streaks i use gutter zap spray on with a pump up brush and rinse, just don't let it dry on the surface and be careful not to remove the paint.

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My mix is 3.5 gallons of 12.5% and 1.5 gallons of water with one scoop of SC and a squirt of Dawn. Foams just fine for me, and I usualy let it dwell 10-15 minutes.

I would agree with most when saying that knowing your downstreamer and using the right tips may make more of a difference than the mix itself.

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  Rob R. said:
with simple cherry, dish soap, 12.5% sh how long are you guys lettting this dwell? Are most using the xjet with this recipe?

Next time you order Simple C order some F13 gutter grenade, add 4oz to your 5er along with 3 gal of SH. (X jett) Don't know the DS figures. Clean gutters right along with the house in one swoop 90% of the time. Use pump up F13 for more stubborn gutters.

I've about decided that 12.5% is not needed for house washing. I washed a really moldy scaled nasty house last week with OTC 6% Clorox and it melted right off w/ 3gal to a 5er w/ 4oz F13 and 10oz simple C, shot of Dawn. One pass, 10 min dwell then one rinse. IMO 12.5 isn't going to kill mold any better than 6%, maybe a FEW minutes faster but only a few. Gotta be easyer on the plants too.

Edited by MudDuck

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  MudDuck said:
Next time you order Simple C order some F13 gutter grenade, add 4oz to your 5er along with 3 gal of SH. (X jett) Don't know the DS figures. Clean gutters right along with the house in one swoop 90% of the time. Use pump up F13 for more stubborn gutters.

I've about decided that 12.5% is not needed for house washing. I washed a really moldy scaled nasty house last week with OTC 6% Clorox and it melted right off w/ 3gal to a 5er w/ 4oz F13 and 10oz simple C, shot of Dawn. One pass, 10 min dwell then one rinse. IMO 12.5 isn't going to kill mold any better than 6%, maybe a FEW minutes faster but only a few. Gotta be easyer on the plants too.

MudDuck, Is this house wash mix easy on the windows? Or should the glass be avoided as much as possible? I guess it's always good to wet down the glass before applying soap to the house huh?

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As far as the recipe I mentioned it won't hurt the windows don't worry. As far as wetting down the windows prior I don't think is necessary unless the surface is really hot from the sun. Just be sure to keep any landscaping plants watered "a plenty". (Your from upstate SC you know what that means I'm sure, LOL)

If your using 12.5% be more careful with every aspect. Some may disagree but I don't think 12.5% is really needed for basic house washing. For roofs go get the 12.5%.

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Thanks for the info MudDuck. I'm leaning towards the 6% SH mixture for the regular house washing that I do. I discussed this with another member on this forum who lives not too far away from me and he says the 6% works great for house washing.

I want it to be strong enough but not too strong. I like the idea of a fine tuned mix that will do the job but not be as harsh on the plants and also my clothes won't get so messed up.

I'm sure there will be times where 12.5 is needed but not always on a typical house wash. Most of the homes I do are well maintained so I should be OK with the 6% most of the time.

Edited by rick77

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