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Did McCain Make A Big Mistake ?


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If you want to talk experience, let's talk Obama. In this race, any talk of experience is a non issue, as long as Obama's experience is not included. And Change??

Nobama himself said that he wasn't ready 4 years ago, but evidently half way through a senate term gets you ready :rolleyes:

Obama disqualified himself from higher office in 2004 Click Here For the Story

And don't forget to watch the video.


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That guy truly has some comedic potential. The emphasis and timing of 'knowing what YER doing' and 'have to start NOW' is funny stuff.. Hey maybe I learned to use 'yer' in every other sentance from the Obama himself..lol.

I think of a preppy Richard Pryor when I see Obama. :)

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He didn't disqualify himself, but did state in the video that as of 2004 he wasn't ready.

Watch it again.

Let's not go and misstate things as we have seen so many politicians do to try and manipulate people.

Many saw the potentials in him back then and now he has taken the initiative. Who can blame a man for taking on a race when he was encouraged to do so by his peers?

Some thing I have noticed here and would like to point out that there is considerably more people launching attacks and posting hysteria about a black man than a white man. Yeah, Palin is a joke and will go down in the anals as well in the same regard. But As far as McCain is concerned, people are posting against his proposals but not trying to diminish him other than point out his health (cancer survivor 3 times now) and his judgement in appointing a running mate who is clearly a deceptive person.

Would it be the same if Obama were a white man? No! why? because of the name he bears and the similarities it has to a notorious terrorist 'Osama'.

Why else? because of the stigma of association that just because he was on a committee with a known terrorist (long since reformed and now serving for the public good) and he is treated as if he were a rapist or baby killer living down the block.

Obama has no criminal record, he is a Harvard Law School Graduate!!! Does anyone realize what kind of educational transcripts are required to even be accepted at such a prestigious School??? He was top of his class and well thought of by his professor who saw in him a promising scholar.

And he did this coming from meager beginnings and took advantage of grants and scholarships he earned along with his hard work.

Why else do we question him??? oh, his exploration of faith??? Coming from a mixed family where a mother was of one faith and the father of another, he looked into both and became a christian. I think that speaks volumes!

Back on topic, McCain did make a big mistake in underestimating Obama's character and resolve to bring a challenge to a presidential race. Obama surrounded himself with people from both parties who were knowledgable and what did McCain do...he grabbed the only woman in the republican party to scrape up the votes left behind for Hillary! What has McCain done? he adopted the socialist position of buying up mortgages (go look it up for yourself) as an answer to the crisis and calls his opponent a socialist.

I can see through the bs. If you don't agree with me, that is your perogative. Address the candidates and not my point of view.


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Your claims that statements are made solely because Obama is black would be the same as saying statements against Palin are because she is a woman. Though I am certain that some of the statements are racially tinged, I am looking at his record, or lack of record to mae my judgements. I am also looking at what others have said about Obama, including his VP pick. Very little has been complimentary. Additionally, I think it is worrisome that many are afraid to vote against Obama for fear of being called racist. And no one has questioned Obamas intelligence, though most studies I have seen have put it at around 119, which is similar to JFK. Howevr, you seem to forget that our sittimg president has an equally prestigious degree from harvard with an MBA. It does not seem many have a problem questioning his intelligence.


I also have another concern. It was stated that Ayers is reformed, and that Obama was only on a board with him on one committee.

Fact Check, on 9/12/2001 Bill Ayers stated that he still wishes that he would have done more in his terrorism activities. That is far from reformed. Reformed would have been, in my opinion, Bill Ayers saying something like, I still think the war in Vietnam was wrong, but I went over board in trying to stop the war by bombing the Pentagon and the White House. Terrorism is not how problems are resolved.

As for the one committee thing, Obama was on two or three committees with Ayers. He also kicked off his political career in Ayers front room, and finally, Obama was the chair for the Annenberg Project. The funds for the Project were provided by the Annenberg foundation. ($50 million) Do you know who it was that did the write up to obtain the grant from the Annenberg Foundation? Bill Ayers, then, since he had the money, he put his friend, Barack in to run the thing. Their ties were far closer than one committee.

Want to get into Rezko and Wright, now???

Face it, Obama has a habit of hanging with hoods and criminals. I fear what other kinds of hoods and criminals are in his closet, that he owes something.

BTW, how is it that the Republicans are the party of the rich, when, Obama has surpassed any previous presidential fundraising in his quest for the White House? And, that being said, if he truly wanted to be egalitarian, why did he refuse the public financing of his election? Could it be because he knew that he needed to get so much out there, that he could practically buy the election?

Edited by Scott Stone

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I gotta wonder how the campaign ads differ from a McCain dominated state vs an Obama one...ie Arizona (my home state) vs Maryland

I am hearing just the opposite in the ads and from what research I have conducted, the Ayers connection is considered an association by circumstances not friendship.

Yeah, Ayers may have been having a mid-life crisis wishing he had done more when he was younger, don't we all?...not that what he did was acceptable but name a person who did anything acceptable as a rebellious young adult angry at the machine. He has his ideas as do we all, and we may not agree with them but I certainly don't think he is worth the worry since he chooses not to act on them and instead became a professor.

Ok, Now in as much for guilty by association, let's drop the Keating 5 into the mix and McCains association with them. I'll post a link...

John McCain's Skeleton Closet

Who is Bill Ayers? :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Barack Obama

How Obama and the radical became news - The Boston Globe

Does that make McCain any better than Obama? I don't think association is a crime unless one is committed along with that association.

What they are proposing is the picture I am looking at and since McCain is very unstable in his position on the economy which is my biggest concern, I will look at the candidate who talks some sense.

btw, it is interesting to say the least that voters will vote for someone for fear of being called a racist..I thought votes were confidential? I don't see the pressure connection.

Not a landslide election but, It will be a very interesting race indeed.


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McCain did undergo an investigation for his association with Charles Keating, and was found innocent by the senate. I would think that would be sufficient.

As for the difference in ads, if you are relying on the advertisements for your information, you are never going to get the whole story.

An association is not a crime. I will agree with you whole heartedly, but, a trend of associations does tend to raise questions in my mind.

I guess it would be like if you saw your son or daughter hanging out with the local gang, (the bad kind), Wouldn't you start to wonder what they were involved in? I would, and wouldn't you tend to think that they were up to something nefarious? I would.

Finally, if Obama is so clean and innocent of any wrong doings, why has he declared so many subjects about his past off limits? He has declared his wife Off limits, even though she is still campaigning for him, and yet, Cindy isn't. His kids, I agree with, but if it is good to do an investigation on one persons wife, I would think it would cut both ways.

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McCain did undergo an investigation for his association with Charles Keating, and was found innocent by the senate. I would think that would be sufficient.

As for the difference in ads, if you are relying on the advertisements for your information, you are never going to get the whole story.

An association is not a crime. I will agree with you whole heartedly, but, a trend of associations does tend to raise questions in my mind.

I guess it would be like if you saw your son or daughter hanging out with the local gang, (the bad kind), Wouldn't you start to wonder what they were involved in? I would, and wouldn't you tend to think that they were up to something nefarious? I would.

Finally, if Obama is so clean and innocent of any wrong doings, why has he declared so many subjects about his past off limits? He has declared his wife Off limits, even though she is still campaigning for him, and yet, Cindy isn't. His kids, I agree with, but if it is good to do an investigation on one persons wife, I would think it would cut both ways.

I'm not sure about that Scott, McCain was 1 of 5 that got something put on record for inappropriate something. I can't remember what but there was something. It might have been just a slap on the wrist, but McCain himself has called it one of his worst mistakes. I' don't know enough about it and really couldn't care less they all deal with some pretty shady people some of them like Keating are finally called to justice, most just move on and make millions of $$$$ more

He wasn't found completely innocent by the Senate. Anyway being found Innocent by the senate is like a Wh*re being tried for prostitution in a Who*ehouse lol

Edited by Jeff

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Though it is not known for being accurate, Keating Five - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You will notice that McCain and Glenn were the two that were found to not have done anything unethical. They did exercise poor judgement, though. You will also notice that all of the ones that were found to be unethical were democrats, by a democratically controlled ethics committee. Of course, 4 of the 5 were democrats, but, we won't make something of that.

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This thread is titled Did McCain make a mistake. I really want to ask why the RNC paid out $150K for Palins clothes, couldn't they have paid less, much less, didn't they know it would come out and just look silly, bad, wasteful and take away from the candidate

People are struggling, theres Republicans running for office that need money from the RNC and they just do what I think is a bonehead move ...showing waste like this was just stupid. Its like a kid in a candy store mentality

Not trying to start a fight, just wondering why they would do it like they did

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Though it is not known for being accurate, Keating Five - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You will notice that McCain and Glenn were the two that were found to not have done anything unethical. They did exercise poor judgement, though. You will also notice that all of the ones that were found to be unethical were democrats, by a democratically controlled ethics committee. Of course, 4 of the 5 were democrats, but, we won't make something of that.

Thats part of the reason I dont want McCain as President....poor judgment. look at the way his campaign has been run, his choices in the people he puts around him now, all lobbyist. He picks Palin because she was a women and he took what 2 days to vet her. Who picks someone in two days to be VP, I bet no other president or contender ever made that choice in two days, with as little as they knew about her. heck they knew she was being investigated in Alaska. Why would they want the headache of an investigation during the campaign, couldn't have McCain used better judgment and just picked someone else and maybe checked them out better

Hey at least I didn't see one democrats name on that list........Obamas

Savings & Loans, they went unregulated and cost us billions, when will we learn. Now its not costing us billions its costing trillions

I wish there was a perfect answer or choice, there isn't and never will be

Edited by Jeff

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Yeah, Ayers may have been having a mid-life crisis wishing he had done more when he was younger, don't we all?...not that what he did was acceptable but name a person who did anything acceptable as a rebellious young adult angry at the machine. He has his ideas as do we all, and we may not agree with them but I certainly don't think he is worth the worry since he chooses not to act on them and instead became a professor.


It's thinking like this that makes me think you need to have your head examined. Am I reading this wrong or are you saying that bombing gov't buildings and killing police officers is just a little rebellious? Being rebellious and demostrating or something like that is one thing, bombing and killing is another. The man should be brought to justice (like a firing squad).

And the morons who let this guy become a professor should be tried as traitors to our country. Ayers is not sorry for what he did and he's out there teaching young adults in a university??? WTF???

Man, this burns me up. I usually don't get upset by these political threads because they are all in fun and don't mean anything anyway, but when I hear somebody like you, Rod say that poor little Ayers was just going through a rebellious time when he bombed those buildings and killed 3 police officers..no big deal... It makes me freakin SICK...AND PISSED!!! I can't believe there are people out there like you. You should be ashamed of yourself and you should do some soul searching and see where your loyalties lie? If you don't like this country, then get the hell out!

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It's thinking like this that makes me think you need to have your head examined. Am I reading this wrong or are you saying that bombing gov't buildings and killing police officers is just a little rebellious? Being rebellious and demostrating or something like that is one thing, bombing and killing is another. The man should be brought to justice (like a firing squad).

And the morons who let this guy become a professor should be tried as traitors to our country. Ayers is not sorry for what he did and he's out there teaching young adults in a university??? WTF???

Man, this burns me up. I usually don't get upset by these political threads because they are all in fun and don't mean anything anyway, but when I hear somebody like you, Rod say that poor little Ayers was just going through a rebellious time when he bombed those buildings and killed 3 police officers..no big deal... It makes me freakin SICK...AND PISSED!!! I can't believe there are people out there like you. You should be ashamed of yourself and you should do some soul searching and see where your loyalties lie? If you don't like this country, then get the hell out!

I'm not commenting on Beths post. But you are right Ayers should have been put in jail for life. If I went to blow up the Pentagon, I would figure I would be in jail forever. You are right he should not be anything. He should be a skid row bum. I was rebellious Ayers was a terrorist, you blow stuff up to kill or try to kill thats what you are called

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It's people like you Jeff that give me hope. As screwed up as your views are, you are still pretty sensible :D You're fun to debate with and make some mighty fine points sometimes that get me thinking about stuff.

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I'm not commenting on Beths post. But you are right Ayers should have been put in jail for life. If I went to blow up the Pentagon, I would figure I would be in jail forever. You are right he should not be anything. He should be a skid row bum. I was rebellious Ayers was a terrorist, you blow stuff up to kill or try to kill thats what you are called

It was not BETH's post...it was ROD's post...we are not the same person...Thanks.


p.s. I love my country!

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Basically Nobama is a dishonest person that has shown extremely bad judgment in surrounding himself and associating with terrorist (Ayers), radical extreme preachers(Wrtight), and ACORN over the past 20 years. Will this effect his future as possible president of the United States? Not sure, but I wish his followers would at least acknowledge these potential huge marks against him.

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Basically Nobama is a dishonest person that has shown extremely bad judgment in surrounding himself and associating with terrorist (Ayers), radical extreme preachers(Wrtight), and ACORN over the past 20 years. Will this effect his future as possible president of the United States? Not sure, but I wish his followers would at least acknowledge these potential huge marks against him.

Keating 5!

McCain was one of them....


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It's thinking like this that makes me think you need to have your head examined. Am I reading this wrong or are you saying that bombing gov't buildings and killing police officers is just a little rebellious? Being rebellious and demostrating or something like that is one thing, bombing and killing is another. The man should be brought to justice (like a firing squad).

And the morons who let this guy become a professor should be tried as traitors to our country. Ayers is not sorry for what he did and he's out there teaching young adults in a university??? WTF???

Man, this burns me up. I usually don't get upset by these political threads because they are all in fun and don't mean anything anyway, but when I hear somebody like you, Rod say that poor little Ayers was just going through a rebellious time when he bombed those buildings and killed 3 police officers..no big deal... It makes me freakin SICK...AND PISSED!!! I can't believe there are people out there like you. You should be ashamed of yourself and you should do some soul searching and see where your loyalties lie? If you don't like this country, then get the hell out!

I think you take things too seriously and internalize them personally. It would serve you better to learn some objectivity instead. Ask questions and learn without making unfair judgments. I don't care what you think about me. I am not the topic, The Candidates are.

Don't make it personal. A difference of opinion is what makes this America!

I love this country btw and would not even bother to participate in these discussions if it didn't have any importance to me. Your inability to control your temperament is your problem and you just made it public for all to see.

Good day.


Edited by Beth n Rod

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It was not BETH's post...it was ROD's post...we are not the same person...Thanks.


p.s. I love my country!

Oops, that Rod always gets you in trouble lol

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Basically Nobama is a dishonest person that has shown extremely bad judgment in surrounding himself and associating with terrorist (Ayers), radical extreme preachers(Wrtight), and ACORN over the past 20 years. Will this effect his future as possible president of the United States? Not sure, but I wish his followers would at least acknowledge these potential huge marks against him.

I didn't deny his associations but I do contest the way they (RNC) have been misleading the public by taking things out of context and positioning them as negatives.

I don't see Obama smearing McCain about his involvement with the keating 5 and how he is still a frequently invited guest at his places of entertaining even though the man was a crook and McCain ignores this by continuing to have a relationship with him.

Who is worse, the one who had limited associations and moved away or the one who still retains them to this day?

I think it is a deversion to keep people from realizing that McCain sucks at economics and is nothing but a war veteran who is set in the ways. There is no change in McCain from what I have seen. Just more of the same.


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It's people like you Jeff that give me hope. As screwed up as your views are, you are still pretty sensible :D You're fun to debate with and make some mighty fine points sometimes that get me thinking about stuff.

Thanks Ant. The thing about me is I am left, right, somewhere in the middle and sometimes I dont have a clue. Just like most americans.

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Basically Nobama is a dishonest person that has shown extremely bad judgment in surrounding himself and associating with terrorist (Ayers), radical extreme preachers(Wrtight), and ACORN over the past 20 years. Will this effect his future as possible president of the United States? Not sure, but I wish his followers would at least acknowledge these potential huge marks against him.

I acknowledge he has been mixed up with some jerk offs, sometimes you don't see your own mistakes until later or you just play in the same Field at times to get ahead to accomplish your goals. But yes marks against him for sure

As for surrounding himself, he's keeping better company these day and I hope I pray, he goes to the middle, gives and takes and works with both sides. I hope he's a great prescient if he makes it, because he will be the only one we got for 4-8 years. If he is not a great President I hope he is a good one

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I didn't deny his associations but I do contest the way they (RNC) have been misleading the public by taking things out of context and positioning them as negatives.

I don't see Obama smearing McCain about his involvement with the keating 5 and how he is still a frequently invited guest at his places of entertaining even though the man was a crook and McCain ignores this by continuing to have a relationship with him.

Who is worse, the one who had limited associations and moved away or the one who still retains them to this day?

I think it is a deversion to keep people from realizing that McCain sucks at economics and is nothing but a war veteran who is set in the ways. There is no change in McCain from what I have seen. Just more of the same.


Now take Rods post in context. He is not saying Keating is worse than Ayers so dont go crazy on him.

This post is right on, they both have made errors in judgement, but I do think McCain is doing and saying a lot of crap, because he just isnt on top of his game and can't sell himself as the McCain of old

good post Rod....and stop getting beth in trouble LOL

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