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Beth n Rod

PWNA 2008 Fall Expo - Convention schedule

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PWNA Convention/Fall Technical Seminar – Chicago, 2008

Thursday, October 23rd through Saturday, October 25th

Register today - $249 for PWNA members ($149 for additional company reps), $349 for non members ($249 for additional company reps). Renew your PWNA membership or join the PWNA in addition to attending the convention and receive a $100.00 discount off your annual dues

Convention Includes the 4 Pillars of the PWNA

  • Education
  • Networking
  • Conventions
  • Clear Voice for Our Industry

Convention/Fall Technical is being held at:

Holiday Inn – Gurnee, Illinois

6161 West Grand Avenue

Gurnee, IL 60031


Featured speakers include:

  • Robert Hinderliter
  • Tom Daughtry
  • Rob Cary
  • Daryl Mirza
  • Matt Bryan
  • Doug Latimer

Master of Ceremonies is Joe Walters

Education Topics include:

  • Railroad Car Washing
  • Flat Work
  • Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning
  • Fleet Washing
  • Environmental Power Washing
  • Insurance
  • Awning Cleaning
  • Basic Chemistry
  • Parking Structures
  • Wood Restoration
  • Marketing and the Internet

Vendors include

  • Joseph D. Walters Insurance Agency
  • EDI Distributors
  • D.P.W. Sales and Service
  • Latimat
  • Delco
  • Cleaner Timers
  • Knight Enterprises
  • And more

Pre-conferences are being held on October 23rd from 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM. Please choose one when registering.

$69.00 per person for PWNA members, $99.00 per person for non members, space is limited

Conference 1 – Machine and Pumps: How to rebuild and repair machine engines, pumps and burners.

Conference 2 – Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning: All the questions answered regarding Kitchen Exhaust. Group of experts. Tips to making your business bigger.

Conference 3 – Power Washing for Newbies: The Hinderliters know how to start and make money while avoiding costly mistakes.

Conference 4 – Railroad Car Cleaning: Take a unique look at a specialized cleaning job that can be very profitable.

Other local hotels:

Comfort Inn

6080 Gurnee Mills Circle

Gurnee, IL


Country Inn Suites

5420 Grand Ave

Gurnee, IL


Hampton Inn

5550 Grand Ave

Gurnee, IL


2008 Convention Detailed Schedule 091908 1406 FINAL.pdf

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This was sent to me by Doc R. to be shared.



Cleaner Times is sponsoring the PWNA Best Rig Contest.

Wash and wax that truck or van. Clean your tools and power washers.

Fix the lettering on the side of your vehicle then drive it to the Holiday Inn in Gurnee, Il

on October 24th - 25th and win 1st prize for best in show.

The winner will be featured in the December 2008 Cleaner Times Publication

for all to see. Show off your achievement to current and potential customers.

Hang your picture and article on the wall with pride.

How to qualify:

1.) Must be a PWNA member and paid attendee of the show

Best Rig is voted on by the attendees of the conference.

Criteria voters will be looking for are the following:

1.) Professionalism

2.) Organization

3.) Cleanliness

4.) Realist usability

5.) Aesthetics

Good Luck and see you there!

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Man I wish I could go to the PWNA Convention this year to see some old friends and to also give that rig contest a run for the money.

These are the plates on my flatbed truck.

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I probably learned more in three days here than I would have learned in a year trying to figure stuff out on my own. The information was absolutely priceless, and anyone that was thinking about going to the next one, stop thinking and start saving for it.

Heres a few pics I took with my phone, they had a guy there taking real ones and I'm sure they will be up soon.

PWNA 2008 - a set on Flickr

Thanks to everyone at the PWNA for a truly wonderful experience.

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Cool Pictures Matt!!

The people I so far recognize in those Pictures are of course Robert Hindeliter,Doc Reisman,Daryl Mirza(Was that his RV??)Henry Bockman,Possibly Dan Cosgrove so far.

That was some Firetruck turned into a Powerwashing Rig. What company owns them and what exactly was on that Truck?? How big is the water tank on that truck??

I didn't see David Olsen in those pictures but I sure recognized his box truck. His Equipment is unbelievable. I would have loved to see his truck set-up in person.

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I finally Met Dave after 9 years. Johnny your should have came. Met Paul and the New PWNA Bod members.

Doc told me teh show was great and some of the guys I talked with late on saturday also said it was great. John, cant wait to see you at another roundtable.

Edited by Ron Musgraves

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I met Dave in NC at Celeste/Rog's roundtable. What a heck of a nice guy.

Ron how did your Class go at the PWNA Convention?? Have any pictures??

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  John T. said:
I met Dave in NC at Celeste/Rog's roundtable. What a heck of a nice guy.

Ron how did your Class go at the PWNA Convention?? Have any pictures??

No Flatwork class at this Show......

Maybe in the future, will see what happens. I got in on saturday, most of the classes had been moved to and earlier time.

I got a chance to meet with a few guys and talk with part of the BOD.

I made the PWNA version of rounds, talk and met with Dave and a few others.

Paul, Doc his wife and Dave sat in the lounge and had a nice dinner.

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Ron , I was told you would be there. I went all over looking for you because I wanted to meet you but I thought that you weren't able to make it after all. I left at 11AM on Saturday. Sounds like I just missed you...Dang!:lgtear:

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There were about 100 guys there.

Thats Daryl next to his RV, the flatscreen in there is bigger than most people have in their house. Solar power, 3 flatscreens (one outside for when you want to watch tv by the fire) full bar, shower, washer and dryer, king size bed. Definitely the way to camp.

Robert Hinderliter is amazing. I can believe the energy he has. I hope I can still move around that good at 55.

I think I talked Dave Olsen in to picking up the foam Friday night at the NFS party. That was a killer party, f. gave away a $500 GPS for closest to the pin on the golf simulator they have in their office (gee I wonder who won:D)


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  Biodude said:
Ron , I was told you would be there. I went all over looking for you because I wanted to meet you but I thought that you weren't able to make it after all. I left at 11AM on Saturday. Sounds like I just missed you...Dang!:lgtear:

Sorry You were miss inoformed, my class was not Scheduled till 2:00pm. As you know changes made at the last minute moved the show up a bit and you guys apparently were done by 11.

Sorry About not meeting, possibly next time.

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